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Emerging technologies for identifying superior dairy cows in New Zealand
Authors:DJ Garrick  RG Snell
Affiliation:1. Department of Animal Sciences , Colorado State University , Fort Collins, CO, 80523-1171, USA E-mail: Dorian.Garrick@Colostate.edu;2. Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences , Massey University , Palmerston North, New Zealand;3. ViaLactia Biosciences , Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand;4. School of Biological Sciences , University of Auckland , 3a Symonds Street, Auckland, 1003, New Zealand
Abstract:The performance of animals is determined by the interaction of their genes with environmental circumstances. Accordingly, animals exhibiting superior performance are not necessarily the animals with the best genes nor are they the best choice of parents. Statistical analyses of production records for repeated traits, e.g. lactation yields and reproductive performance, show that part of the variation in performance among animals in the same herd and year is due to genetic differences, and the remainder is due to so-called residual or environmental factors that are not passed on to offspring. These within-herd environmental factors can be partitioned into a component that affects performance throughout an animal's lifetime, and a part that is unique to each observation. The process of animal evaluation from pedigree and performance records partitions the superiority of each cow into these three components. Reliable assessment of the genetic merit of bulls has required progeny testing, and for cows has required observation of their own individual performance. Selection on the genetic or breeding value component has systematically improved animal performance over recent decades, but has been limited by the age at which assessments of genetic merit are available.

Emerging molecular technologies can read DNA sequences or measure RNA expression and have allowed the identification of a number of chromosome regions, and a few specific genes in those regions, that influence economic performance. This information allows better characterisation of the relationships between animals and more accurate predictions of genetic merit in bulls without progeny information and in cows that have yet to produce their own performance record. At some stage, enough genes responsible for variation in performance will be identified to allow faster genetic progress through selection of animals at young ages and therefore more rapid turnover of the generations. Mechanisms that modify gene expression have been identified and these may ultimately allow animals to be selected at an early age for lifetime productivity, accounting for processes that modify gene expression and lead to differences in performance that are not reflected by DNA sequence information. This review describes the status of these emerging technologies and their likely role in the improvement of dairy cattle.
Keywords:Gene discovery  genetic improvement  microsatellite markers  SNP  expression arrays
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