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引用本文:王兰蕙,夏颖,范先鹏,黄敏,张富林,刘冬碧,熊桂云,杨利. 湖北省种植业面源污染现状分析[J]. 湖北农业科学, 2016, 0(24): 6421-6426. DOI: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2016.24.025
作者姓名:王兰蕙  夏颖  范先鹏  黄敏  张富林  刘冬碧  熊桂云  杨利
作者单位:1. 湖北省农业科学院植保土肥研究所,武汉 430064; 武汉理工大学资源与环境工程学院,武汉 430070;2. 湖北省农业科学院植保土肥研究所,武汉 430064; 农业部潜江农业环境与耕地保育科学观测实验站,湖北 潜江 433100;3. 武汉理工大学资源与环境工程学院,武汉,430070
摘    要:采用综合调查法对湖北省17个市(州)2007年农业面源污染情况进行调查,并采用等标污染负荷法进行评价与源解析。结果表明,湖北省种植业氮、磷合计用量为2 703 795.7 t(折纯),其中肥料氮施用量为1 932 024.6 t(折纯,N),肥料磷合计771 771.1 t(折纯,P2O5),总氮和总磷的流失总量为76 688.7、5 472.7 t/年。湖北省9种主要农药成份的流失总量896.6 kg;湖北省地膜使用量为9 508.7 t,土壤中残留量为1 671.5 t,全省平均残留率为使用量的17.6%;湖北省秸秆产生量为4 090.7万t,其中62.3%的秸秆进行了综合利用,有36.1%的秸秆被非资源化处置。全省污染负荷占比前三的市(州)为荆州市、襄阳市、宜昌市。综上所述,湖北省17个市(州)的种植业源防控的主要污染物是总氮和总磷,防控的重点区域为荆州市、襄阳市。

关 键 词:种植业面源污染  等标污染负荷法  综合调查法  湖北省

Survey and Analysis of Planting Non-point Source Pollution in Hubei
Abstract:Agricu1tura1 non-point source po11ution of 17 cities and prefectures in 2007 was investigated in Hubei province by using integrated survey,and the use of feed and other po11ution 1oad method and sources were eva1uated. The resu1ts showed that the tota1 amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in Hubei p1anting were up to 2 703 795.7 t(pure),in which the nitrogen fer-ti1izer app1ication was 1 932 024.6 t (N),and tota1 phosphorus ferti1izer was 771 771.1 t (P2O5). The 1oss of tota1 nitrogen and tota1 phosphorus was 76 688.7 and 5 472.7 t per year. The tota1 1oss of 9 major pesticides in Hubei province was 896.6 kg. The usage amount of p1astic fi1m in Hubei province was 9 508.7 t,the residua1 amount in soi1 was 1 671.5 t,average residua1 rate was 17.6% of usage. Generating capacity of straw in Hubei was 40.907 mi11ion t,62.3% of them was used in the com-prehensive uti1ization,and 36.2% of them was disposed of non-resource. The major cities of po11ution were Jingzhou,Xi-angyang,and Yichang.It indicated that the main po11utants of 17 cities and prefectures in Hubei province was tota1 nitrogen and tota1 phosphorus,and the key areas were Jingzhou and Xiangyang.
Keywords:p1anting non-point source po11ution  equiva1ent po11ution 1oad method  comprehensive survey method  Hubei province
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