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引用本文:余丽江,陆舟,李肇天,杨岗,蒋光伟,周放,徐蕴丽. 桂西南青龙山自然保护区鸟类多样性和区系分析[J]. 广西农业生物科学, 2014, 0(3): 533-536
作者姓名:余丽江  陆舟  李肇天  杨岗  蒋光伟  周放  徐蕴丽
摘    要:2009-2010年和2013年对广西西南部青龙山自然保护区的鸟类多样性和区系进行了调查。共记录鸟类13目44科206种,包括留鸟139种,夏候鸟27种,冬候鸟33种,旅鸟7种。其中,国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生鸟类有24种,主要由隼形目猛禽构成;列入IUCN名录的有2种,分别是濒危物种黄胸鹀和易危物种弄岗穗鹛。北红尾鸲青藏亚种为广西的新亚种纪录。青龙山G-F指数为0.84,物种多样性丰富。保护区的区系特点表现为典型的华南区成分,而且北热带属性明显。丰富的鸟类多样性以及作为目前已知的特有鸟种弄岗穗鹛的3个分布区之一,保护区的自然保护和科研建设应进一步重视和加强。

关 键 词:鸟类  喀斯特地区  桂西南  中越边境生物区  青龙山自然保护区

Birds in Qinglongshan Nature Reserve of Southwest Guangxi,China
Yu Lijiang,Lu Zhou,Li Zhaotian,Yang Gang,Jiang Guangwei,Zhou Fang,Xu Yunli. Birds in Qinglongshan Nature Reserve of Southwest Guangxi,China[J]. Journal of Guangxi Agricultural and Biological Science, 2014, 0(3): 533-536
Authors:Yu Lijiang  Lu Zhou  Li Zhaotian  Yang Gang  Jiang Guangwei  Zhou Fang  Xu Yunli
Affiliation:( College of Animal Science and Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning, 530005)
Abstract:The investigation on the avian diversity and avifauna was carried out in Qinglongshan Nature Reserve of Southwest Guangxi in 2009, 2010 and 2013. A total of 206 bird species were recorded under 44 families and 13orders. Among them, 139 species were residents in the nature reserve, 27 species were summer migrants, 33species were winter migrants and 7 species were passage visitors. Twenty-four birds were nationally protected which were mainly comprised by raptors. Two species were included in the IUCN Red List of threatened species.They were endangered species, Yellow-breasted Bunting and vulnerable species, Nonggang Babbler. Phoenicurus auroreus leucopterus was the new subspecies record in Guangxi. Avian G-F index was 0.84 that meant a rich bird diversity. The avifauna was characterized by South China Region with typical north tropics component. With the rich avian diversity and as one of three distribution areas of Nonggang Babbler, the protection and scientific researches in nature reserve should be lifted to a higher level.
Keywords:Birds  Karst area  Southwest Guangxi  Sino-Vietnam border biota  Qinglongshan Nature Reserve
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