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Structural Changes of Goat Parotid Salivary Gland: Pre‐ and Post‐Weaning Periods
Authors:Y. H. A. Elewa  O. Ichii  S. Otsuka  Y. Hashimoto  Y. Kon
Affiliation:1. Department of Histology and Cytology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig University, , Zagazig, 44519 Egypt;2. Laboratory of Anatomy, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University, , Sapporo, 060‐0818 Japan;3. Office for Faculty Development and Teaching Enriched Veterinary Medicine, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University, , Sapporo, 060‐0818 Japan
Previously, the structure of the adult goat parotid salivary glands (PGs) was studied. However, little information was elucidated of the juvenile ones. This study aimed to clarify the correlations between the structure of goats' PGs and the nature of food intake among milk‐suckling kids (MSKs) and diet‐fed goats (DFGs). The secretory endpieces of the goats' PGs are of the pure serous type. The serous cells in MSKs showed apical accumulation of numerous secretory granules (SGs) of smaller size and of more intense positive periodic acid‐Schiff reaction. Ultrastructurally, most of the SGs in the DFGs contained peripherally located inclusions that showed dense reaction products for acid phosphatase. In MSKs, the PGs showed less‐developed basal infoldings, sparseness of the inter‐cellular inter‐digitations, fewer inter‐cellular canaliculi and microvilli and also less‐developed myoepithelial cells with fewer and shorter cytoplasmic processes. In conclusion, the less‐developed membrane specializations and myoepithelial cells, as well as the accumulated SGs in the PGs of MSKs, suggest that it secretes less saliva with a little secretory activity than that of DFGs, which may be correlated with the reduced masticatory activity.
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