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引用本文:黎华寿,骆世明. 广东高州水库库区不同开发类型小流域的水土流失比较分析[J]. 中国生态农业学报, 1993, 1(3): 52-57
作者姓名:黎华寿  骆世明
作者单位:广西梧州地区环保局 梧州 543000;华南农业大学 广州五山 510642
摘    要:本文通过面上调查和定点取样分析,对粤西高州水库库区三个不同农业开发类型小流域的水土流失进行了比较分析。结果表明,格苍小流域地势陡削,比良垌、军屯两小流域更不利于保持水土。由于该流域以热带亚热带竹林和针阔叶混交林为主的植被保护较好,能因地制宜发展立体林业、建立林农复合农业生态系统,故水土流失远小于良垌和军屯,农业经济效益也优于良垌和军屯。

关 键 词:水土流失 小流域治理

A Comparative Analysis of the Soil Erosion and Water Runoff in Three Small Watersheds in Gaozhou Reservoir,Guangtong province
LI Hua-shou and LUO Shi-ming. A Comparative Analysis of the Soil Erosion and Water Runoff in Three Small Watersheds in Gaozhou Reservoir,Guangtong province[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 1993, 1(3): 52-57
Authors:LI Hua-shou and LUO Shi-ming
Affiliation:Environmental Protection Bureau of Wuzhou District Guangxi Province,Wuzhou 543000;South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642
Abstract:Through in vestigation and site researches,soil erosion and water runoff in three typical small watersheds in western Guangtong are studied.The results shows that in spite of the more steep slope soil erosion in Gecang watershed is not so serious as in Juntun and Liangtong watersheds.The analysis results shows that the types and quality of the vegetation play a key role on this.The intensive crop plantation,agro-forest sys-tems,and the natural bamboo forest system in Gecang watershed has enabled the farms in this area enjoying an improved environment and higher income.
Keywords:Soil erosion and water runoff  Comprehensive renovation small watershed  Agro-forest system
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