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引用本文:张文飞,刘苹苹,管武太,陈芳,邓跃林. 饲粮中添加卵黄抗体对断奶仔猪生长性能、血清生化指标、肠道形态及肠道微生物菌群的影响[J]. 动物营养学报, 2017, 29(1). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-267x.2017.01.031
作者姓名:张文飞  刘苹苹  管武太  陈芳  邓跃林
作者单位:1. 华南农业大学动物科学学院,广州 510642; 华南农业大学动物科学学院华农联佑饲用油脂研究中心,广州 510642;2. 华南农业大学动物科学学院,广州,510642
摘    要:本试验旨在研究饲粮中添加卵黄抗体对断奶仔猪生长性能、血清生化指标、肠道形态及肠道微生物菌群的影响。试验选取160头(25±1)日龄"杜×长×大"断奶仔猪,分为4个组,每个组4个重复,每个重复10头猪。各组分别饲喂以下4种饲粮:基础饲粮(对照组)、基础饲粮+0.4 kg/t硫酸黏杆菌素(抗生素组)、基础饲粮+1.0 kg/t卵黄抗体(卵黄抗体组)、基础饲粮+0.2 kg/t硫酸黏杆菌素+0.5 kg/t卵黄抗体(联用组)。试验期共计28 d。结果表明:1)与对照组相比,卵黄抗体组显著提高了断奶仔猪平均日增重(P0.05),显著降低了断奶仔猪料重比和腹泻率(P0.05),断奶仔猪平均日采食量无显著差异(P0.05)。与抗生素组相比,卵黄抗体组断奶仔猪生长性能无显著差异(P0.05),两者表现出相近的使用效果。2)与对照组相比,卵黄抗体组显著提高了断奶仔猪血清中总蛋白、白蛋白的含量(P0.05)。3)与对照组相比,卵黄抗体组显著增加了断奶仔猪回肠绒毛高度和绒隐比(P0.05),断奶仔猪十二指肠和空肠的绒毛高度、隐窝深度和绒隐比无显著差异(P0.05)。4)与对照组相比,卵黄抗体组显著降低了断奶仔猪回肠、盲肠中大肠杆菌数量(P0.05),显著增加了断奶仔猪回肠、盲肠中的乳酸杆菌数量(P0.05)。综上所述,饲粮中添加卵黄抗体能显著改善断奶仔猪生长性能,增强仔猪免疫力,提高肠道健康水平,促进有益菌生长,与抗生素有相近的使用效果,是很有发展潜力的抗生素替代品之一。

关 键 词:卵黄抗体  断奶仔猪  抗生素  生长性能  血清生化指标  肠道形态  肠道微生物

Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Immunoglobulin of Yolk on Growth Performance,Serum Biochemical Parameters,Intestinal Morphology and Microbial Flora of Weaned Piglets
ZHANG Wenfei,LIU Pingping,GUAN Wutai,CHEN Fang,DENG Yuelin. Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Immunoglobulin of Yolk on Growth Performance,Serum Biochemical Parameters,Intestinal Morphology and Microbial Flora of Weaned Piglets[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANIMAL NUTRITION, 2017, 29(1). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-267x.2017.01.031
Authors:ZHANG Wenfei  LIU Pingping  GUAN Wutai  CHEN Fang  DENG Yuelin
Abstract:This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation of immunoglobu?lin of yolk ( IgY) on growth performance, serum biochemical parameters, intestinal morphology and microbial flora of weaned piglets. One hundred and sixty (25±1)?day?old ‘Duroc×Landrace×Large Yorkshire’ weaned piglets were assigned to 4 groups with 4 replicates per group and 10 pigs per replicate. Weaned piglets in the 4 groups were fed 4 diets as follows:basis diet ( control group) , basis diet+0.4 kg/t colistin ( antibiotic group) , basis diet+1.0 kg/t IgY (IgY group) and basis diet+0.2 kg/t colistin+0.5 kg/t IgY (combine group), re?spectively. The experiment lasted for 28 days. The results showed as follows: 1) compared with the control group, the average daily gain of weaned piglets in IgY group was significantly improved ( P<0.05) , the ratio of feed to gain and diarrhea rate of weaned piglets was significantly decreased (P<0.05), and there was no significant effect on average daily feed intake of weaned piglets ( P>0. 05 ) . Compared with the antibiotic group, IgY group had no significant effect on growth performance of weaned piglets (P>0.05), and both showed similar results. 2) Compared with the control group, the contents of total protein and albumin in serum of weaned piglets in IgY group were significantly improved ( P<0.05) . 3) Compared with the control group, the villus height and ratio of villus height to crypt depth ( VH/CD) in ileum of weaned piglets in IgY group were significantly improved ( P<0.05) , and there were no significant effects on villus height, crypt depth and VH/CD in duodenum and jejunum of weaned piglets (P>0.05). 4) Compared with the control group, the number of E.coli in ileum and cecum of weaned piglets in IgY group were significantly decreased (P<0.05), and the numbers of Lactobacilli in ileum and cecum of weaned piglets in IgY group were significantly increased ( P<0.05) . In conclusion, dietary supplementation of IgY can improve the growth performance of weaned pig?lets, enhance the immunity, improve gut health levels, and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. It has the same effect of the use of antibiotics and is the most promising alternatives to antibiotics.
Keywords:immunoglobulin of yolk  weaned piglets  antibiotic  growth performance  serum biochemical pa-rameters  intestinal morphology  intestinal microbial
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