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引用本文:张厚华,黄占斌. 黄土高原生物气候分区与该区生态系统的恢复[J]. 干旱区资源与环境, 2001, 15(1): 64-71
作者姓名:张厚华  黄占斌
摘    要:根据不同的生物气候状况 ,可将黄土高原分成五个生物气候区 :暖温带湿润半湿润森林区、暖温带半湿润半干旱森林草原区、中温带半干旱典型草原区、中温带干旱半干旱荒漠草原区以及中温带干旱草原化荒漠区。紧密结合上述生物气候区域特征 ,将生态学的有关原理引入到该区的治理与生态恢复中 ,提出了治理黄土高原的新模式 :正确实施生物措施 ,人工模拟天然生态系统。该区的生态恢复应从系统的角度考虑 ,并严格遵守生态学的有关规律在不同的生物气候区构建与该区大环境一致的不同的生态系统 ,改变过去那种在黄土高原全面造林而又成效不佳的做法

关 键 词:生物气候分区  生态学原理  恢复  退化生态系统  黄土高原

Bio-climatic Division and Restoration of the Degraded Ecosystem on the Loess Plateau
ZHANG Hou-hua,HUANG Zhan-bing. Bio-climatic Division and Restoration of the Degraded Ecosystem on the Loess Plateau[J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2001, 15(1): 64-71
Authors:ZHANG Hou-hua  HUANG Zhan-bing
Abstract:According to the different bio-climatic conditions, five sub-regions on Loess Plateau were classified. These sub-regions are moist and semi-moist forest, semi-moist and semi-arid forest-grassland, semi-arid typical grassland,arid and semi-arid desert-grassland, and arid desert sub-region.Bassed on the divisions mentioned above, the ecological principles including the law of limiting factors,the dependent law on large-scale environment and small-scale surroundings, population density and distribution law, community species diversity and succession theory and ecosystem perfect harmony theory, etc were applied to the restoration of degraded ecosystem. These approaches are as follows: (1)applying correctly the biological measures and conserving the rainwater as much as possible; (2)simulating natural ecosystem; (3)reconstructing pioneer communities and reducing the man-made disturbance; and (4)reforming the present harnessing patterns.
Keywords:bio-climatic division   ecological principle   restoration   degraded ecosystem   Loess Plateau
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