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引用本文:李良俊,李式军,曹碚生,赵有为. 僵藕生长过程中茎叶内源激素与多胺含量的变化[J]. 园艺学报, 2000, 27(6): 423-427
作者姓名:李良俊  李式军  曹碚生  赵有为
作者单位:1. 扬州大学农学院园艺系,扬州,225009
2. 南京农业大学园艺系,南京,210095
基金项目:江苏省自然科学基金资助项目!(BK990 89)
摘    要:采用酶联免疫法 (ELISA)及薄层 -荧光测定法分析了僵藕生长过程中茎和叶中内源激素和多胺含量的变化。结果表明 :僵藕茎、叶中IAA、GA1 3和ZRS 水平一般都明显低于正常藕 ,而ABA水平则一直明显高于正常藕 ,这可能是僵藕生长势弱的原因所在 ;生长后期 ,正常藕茎、叶中IAA水平成倍提高 ,ABA维持低水平 ,而僵藕则IAA维持低水平 ,ABA迅速上升 ,这可能是僵藕早衰的生理原因。内源精胺 (Spm)、腐胺 (Put)和尸胺 (Cad)都普遍高于正常藕 ,且变化幅度大于正常藕 ,提示了内源多胺与僵藕的发生有密切关系。

关 键 词:植物激素  多胺    生长  病害  僵藕

Fluctuation in Levels of Endogenous Hormones and Polyamines in Leaves and Rhizomes of Healthy and Stiff Lotus(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn)
Li Liangjun,Li Shijun,Cao Beisheng,Zhao Youwei. Fluctuation in Levels of Endogenous Hormones and Polyamines in Leaves and Rhizomes of Healthy and Stiff Lotus(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn)[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2000, 27(6): 423-427
Authors:Li Liangjun  Li Shijun  Cao Beisheng  Zhao Youwei
Abstract:The content of four kinds of endogenous hormones and polyamines in leaves and rhizomes of healthy and stiff lotus were estimated.The results showed:IAA,GA 1 3 and ZR S levels in stiff lotus leaves and rhizomes were generally significantly lower than those in healthy lotus at 5% or 1% level,while ABA level was significantly higher than that in healthy lotus.They probably made the stiff lotus growing weakly and slowly,especially in the end of leaf growing period,Caused stiff lotus decrepit early.Polyamines(Spm,Put and Cad)in stiff lotus Leaves and rhizomes were significantly higher and changed faster than those in healthy lotus,so it can be confirmed that polyamines maybe influenced the growing of stiff lotus.
Keywords:Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn  Endogenous hormones  Polyamines  Stiff lotus  Growing  Diseases
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