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引用本文:陈朝镇,王彬,罗文锋. 基于组件式GIS的区域污染源管理信息系统开发[J]. 安徽农业科学, 2008, 36(21)
作者姓名:陈朝镇  王彬  罗文锋
作者单位:1. 绵阳师范学院资源环境工程学院,四川绵阳,621000
2. 四川大学建筑与环境学院,四川成都,610064
摘    要:基于开发语言Visual Basic和组件式GIS工具软件MapObjects的集成,开发区域污染源管理信息系统。主要包括系统的设计目标、开发思想、系统设计、功能设计、数据库建设、程序设计、外部接口以及在污染源管理方面的具体应用。

关 键 词:地理信息系统  组件式GIS  MapObjects  管理信息系统

Development of Mangement System for Pollution Sources Based on Component GIS
CHEN Chao-zhen et al. Development of Mangement System for Pollution Sources Based on Component GIS[J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 2008, 36(21)
Authors:CHEN Chao-zhen et al
Abstract:Based on the integration of the development language of Visual Basic and component GIS tool software Map Objects, regional management information system for pollution source was developed. The design object, development thought, system and function design, database construction, programming, exterior interface and specific application in the management of pollution source were included.
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