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引用本文:吕慎金,马月辉,杨燕,耿社民. 中国西部七个地方绵羊群体微卫星DNA的遗传多样性研究[J]. 家畜生态, 2006, 0(4)
作者姓名:吕慎金  马月辉  杨燕  耿社民
作者单位:中国农业科学院畜牧研究所,中国农业科学院畜牧研究所,扬州大学动物科技学院,西北农林科技大学动物科技学院 北京100094,临沂师范学院,山东临沂276000,北京100094,江苏扬州225009,陕西杨陵712100
摘    要:利用微卫星标记技术,筛选出30对微卫星引物,以中国西部7个地方绵羊(Ovisaries)群体和1个外来对照品种作为研究对象,探讨了它们之间的亲缘关系、群体间、群体内的遗传变异。在30个位点中,MB067、BL6位点只得到部分扩增结果。其余的位点均表现出较高的多态性和杂合性。利用DISPAN程序得出标准遗传距离(DS),并进行了NJ法和UP-GMA法聚类。结果各绵羊品种聚类结果与其来源、育成史和地理分布基本一致,其中有争议之处仍待进一步探讨。

关 键 词:绵羊  微卫星  遗传  多样性

Genetic Diversity Analysis on 7 Indigenous Sheep Populations with Microsatellite DNA in Western China
LV SHEN-Jin. Genetic Diversity Analysis on 7 Indigenous Sheep Populations with Microsatellite DNA in Western China[J]. Ecology of Domestic Animal, 2006, 0(4)
Authors:LV SHEN-Jin
Affiliation:LV SHEN-Jin~
Abstract:7 native sheep populations in Western China were analyzed with the 30 microsatellite markers selected.The samples also included one of the foreign breeds In this article,the genetic relationship and variation between and within breeds are described.The results showed that only part of The segments in MB067 and BL6 loci with PCR was acquired.The other loci showed high diversity and heterozygosity in the populations.The Ds genetic distance with DISPAN soft pack was accounted,and the dendrograms were draw ed with NJ and UPGMA method.The dendrogram relationship between different sheep breeds was generally in accordance with their origins,breeding history and localities,but the different viewpoints should be discussed more in the future.
Keywords:sheep  microsatellite  genetic  diversity
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