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引用本文:赵熙,黄怀生,粟本文,银霞,黄静,郑红发. 不同茶树品种制绿茶贮藏过程中品质变化规律[J]. 茶叶通讯, 2014, 41(4): 18-22
作者姓名:赵熙  黄怀生  粟本文  银霞  黄静  郑红发
摘    要:为了探明不同茶树品种制绿茶在常温贮藏期间的品质变化规律,以保靖黄金茶1号、保靖黄金茶2号和福鼎大白茶3个茶树品种制成炒青绿茶为材料,密封贮藏于避光室温环境中,分析不同贮藏时间对其品质的影响。结果表明,保靖黄金茶1号、保靖黄金茶2号和福鼎大白茶制绿茶贮藏过程中茶多酚含量(降幅分别为13.96%、15.86%和26.29%)和水浸出物含量(降幅分别为9.81%、10.00%和16.28%)均显著降低,且前两个月降幅较大;氨基酸含量总体下降(降幅分别为20.87%、23.50%和37.94%),其中贮藏第四个月出现小幅上升;咖啡碱含量前3个月的下降幅度(降幅分别为7.99%、10.82%和13.84%)较大,此后变化幅度减小;叶绿素含量明显下降(降幅分别为15.92%、17.81%和28.49%);可溶性总糖含量呈现先高后低的波浪形变化,并且香气、汤色、滋味等感官审评指标也有不同程度的下降。三个品种间比较,保靖黄金茶1号、保靖黄金茶2号所制绿茶在贮藏过程中的主要生化成分下降幅度显著低于福鼎大白茶,表现出较好的化学品质特征。

关 键 词:茶树品种  绿茶  贮藏  品质变化

Quality Change of Green tea Made by different Cultivars during Storage
ZHAO Xi,HUANG Huai-sheng,SU Ben-wen,YIN Xia,HUANG Jing,ZHENG Hong-fa. Quality Change of Green tea Made by different Cultivars during Storage[J]. Tea Communication, 2014, 41(4): 18-22
Authors:ZHAO Xi  HUANG Huai-sheng  SU Ben-wen  YIN Xia  HUANG Jing  ZHENG Hong-fa
Affiliation:( Hunan Tea Research Institute, Changsha 410125, China )
Abstract:Green teas made by Baojing Golden Tea No.I, Baojing Golden Tea No.2 and Fuding Dabaicha were selected to study the quality change during storge at room temperature. They were tightly sealed to store in room temperature away from sunlight and the quality change was recorded and analyzed. The result showed that the tea polyphenol and water extract content of them turned out to lower significantly, especially in the first two months, with a rate of 13.96%, 15.86% and 26.29% for tea polyphenol and 9.81%, 10.00% and 16.28% for water extract respectively. Amino acid content lowered overall with 20.87%, 23.50% and 37.94%, while during the 44 month, it rose slightly. Caffeine content fall range was bigger in the first 3 months with 7.99%, 10.82%, and 13.84%. Later onwards it just decreased slightly. Chlorophyll content lower significantly with 15.92%, 17.81%, and 28.49% respectively. Soluble sugar content waved higher and later lower down. The sensory taste index of flavor, liquor color and mouth taste also decreased with different extent. To compare among these three cultivars, the main biochemical quality contents of the green teas made by Baojing Golden Tea No. 1, Baojing Golden Tea No.2 decreased significantly less than those of Furling Dabaicha, and turned out be better quality than the latest.
Keywords:Tea cultivar   Green tea   Storage   Change of quality
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