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Hepatozoon canis: The prevalence of antibodies and gametocytes in dogs in Israel
Authors:G. Baneth  V. Shkap  B. -Z. Presentey  E. Pipano
Affiliation:(1) Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, PO Box 12, 76100 Rehovot, Israel;(2) Department of Parasitology, Kimron Veterinary Institute, Beit Dagan, Israel
Abstract:A survey for the prevalence of antibodies to Hepatozoon canis and for intraneutrophilic H. canis gametocytes in the peripheral blood neutrophils of dogs in Israel showed that 33.1% were seropositive, while only 1% of the dogs sampled had detectable parasites in their blood smears. Exposure to H. canis is widespread but it appears that most infected dogs undergo a subclinical infection and only a small proportion develop clinical disease.Abbreviations IFAT indirect fluorescent antibody test
Keywords:antibody, dog  gametocyte  Hepatozoon canis  immunofluorescence  Israel  prevalence
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