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引用本文:母贵琴,潘旭浩,杨克诚. 不同类型玉米种质群体的SSR遗传多样性分析[J]. 西南农业学报, 2011, 24(2)
作者姓名:母贵琴  潘旭浩  杨克诚
摘    要:利用SSR标记对人工合成群体、地方种质群体和热带、亚热带群体等3种不同类型群体进行遗传多样性分析,26对SSR引物在供试群体内共扩增出184个等位位点.多态性位点数、多态位点比例、基因型数以及遗传距离等分析表明,三类群体均具有较丰富的遗传变异,且热带、亚热带群体内个体间的遗传距离大于地方种质群体和人工合成群体.这一结果说明热带、亚热带群体内的遗传变异较大,面人工合成群体与地方种质群体内的遗传变异则相对较小且基本相当.

关 键 词:玉米  群体  SSR标记  遗传多样性

Genetic Diversity Analysis of Different Types of Maize Populations by SSR
MU Gui-qin,PAN Xu-hao,YANG Ke-cheng. Genetic Diversity Analysis of Different Types of Maize Populations by SSR[J]. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2011, 24(2)
Authors:MU Gui-qin  PAN Xu-hao  YANG Ke-cheng
Affiliation:MU Gui-qin,PAN Xu-hao,YANG Ke-cheng(Maize Research Institute,Sichuan Agricultural University Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Resources and Improvement,Ministry of Education,Sichaun Ya'an 625014,China)
Abstract:The genetic diversity of synthetic groups,local varieties groups,tropical and subtropical groups were analyzed by SSRs.A total of 184 alleles were detected using 26 pairs of SSR primers in the three type of populations.Analysis of polymorphic loci,the proportion of polymorphic loci,genes heterozygosity,genotypes and genetic distance showed that all the three types of maize populations had rich genetic variation,and genetic distance between the individuals of tropical and subtropical groups were larger than ...
Keywords:Maize  Groups  SSR marker  Genetic diversity  
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