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黄粉虫(Tenebrio molitor)产卵量初探
引用本文:杨明禄,王宜娟,李国富. 黄粉虫(Tenebrio molitor)产卵量初探[J]. 塔里木大学学报, 2009, 21(1): 27-30
作者姓名:杨明禄  王宜娟  李国富
作者单位:1. 塔里木大学植物科学学院,新疆,阿拉尔,843300
2. 塔里木大学植物科学学院,新疆,阿拉尔,843300;新疆建设兵团农二师22团,新疆,库尔勒,841000
摘    要:通过单头隔离和群体饲养黄粉虫成虫观察其产卵量的差异。结果表明:在温度22~28℃及45~65%RH室内饲养条件下,黄粉虫雌雄比是1:1.33.黄粉虫产卵多集中在前40天,40天之后产卵量下降明显,在整个产量期内有明显的阶段性。不同饲养条件下黄粉虫产卵量差异较大。在单头饲养过程中发现产卵量最少仅有3枚/头,有的可多达189枚头,平均17.6枚/头,群体饲养条件下产卵量平均182.02枚/头。

关 键 词:黄粉虫  产卵量  性比

Study on the Amount of Spawned Egg of Tenebrio Molitor
Yang Minglu,Wang Yijuan,Li Guofu. Study on the Amount of Spawned Egg of Tenebrio Molitor[J]. Journal of tarim University, 2009, 21(1): 27-30
Authors:Yang Minglu  Wang Yijuan  Li Guofu
Affiliation:Yang Minglu Wang Yijuan Li Guofu (1 College of Plant Science , Tarim University, Alar, Xinjiang 843300) (2 The 22 Regiment, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Korla , Xinjiang 835300 )
Abstract:The study aims to probe into the amount of spawned eggs of tenebrio molitor, by means of comparing adult sex ratio and raising mode. The results indicated that the average adult sex ratio (22℃-28℃ and 45%-65% RH) was 1:1.33. Newly emerged females beeame sexually active and begin to oviposit after 3-5 days. The developmental time of eggs was mostly 5 -40 days, and the reproductive capacity decreased after 40 days. There were substantial variation in the number of born eggs per female in different raising modes.
Keywords:Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus  Fecundity  Sex ratio
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