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引用本文:贾培松,努尔孜亚·亚力买买提,管建华,罗影,郝敬喆,贾文捷,魏鹏. 新疆石河子地区野生阿魏菇菌株遗传多样性[J]. 西北农业学报, 2017, 0(1): 152-158
作者姓名:贾培松  努尔孜亚·亚力买买提  管建华  罗影  郝敬喆  贾文捷  魏鹏
作者单位:(1. 新疆农业科学院 植物保护研究所/农业部西北荒漠绿洲作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830091;2. 青河县农业技术推广中心,新疆青河县 836200)
摘    要:利用生物学和ISSR(Inter simple sequence repeat)标记技术对石河子地区12株野生阿魏菇的遗传多样性进行研究,旨在为阿魏菇育种提供基础材料和科学依据。结果显示:在阿魏菇菌株菌丝培养特征方面,各菌株除在菌丝颜色和现原基方面无明显差异外,在菌落形态、菌丝长势等6项特征方面均有一定差异;拮抗试验结果显示,2株阿魏菇栽培菌株与石河子地区野生菌株均有较强拮抗反应,大多数石河子地区野生菌株间有较强拮抗反应;ISSR标记共扩增出52条DNA条带,多态性条带41条,多态比率为78.85%,供试菌株两两间的相异系数为0.11~0.59,在相异系数(D)为0.47时,可将14个供试菌株分为4个类群。表明石河子地区野生阿魏菇菌株已开始发生遗传分化,并具有一定的遗传多样性。

关 键 词:野生阿魏菇  遗传多样性  ISSR  聚类分析

Genetic Diversity of Wild Ferula Mushroom Strains from Shihezi Area in Xinjiang
Abstract:In order to provide basic materials and scientific basis for further breeding of ferula mushroom, the genetic diversity of 12 wild ferula mushroom collected from Shihezi in Xinjiang were analyzed by cultural characteristics and ISSR markers. The observation of cultural characteristics demonstrated some differences among tested samples in colonial morphology, mycelium growth vigor and so on, but none of them in the colonial color and primordium. Obvious antagonistic reactions were observed between two artificially cultivated strains and wild strains and they also occurred among the most wild strains from Shihezi. ISSR produced 52 DNA bands, 41 of which were polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphic bands from ISSR markers was 78.85%. Cluster analysis showed that the 14 strains of ferula mushroom could be divided into 4 groups at the level of D=0.47.The results showed that natural populations of ferula mushrooms from Shihezi had experienced genetic differentiation, and had certain genetic diversity.
Keywords:Wild ferula mushroom   Genetic diversity   ISSR   Cluster analysis
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