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Development and characterization of common wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium translocation lines with resistance to barley yellow dwarf virus
Authors:Z.Y. Xin  Z.Y. Zhang  X. Chen  Z.S. Lin  Y.Z. Ma  H.J. Xu  P.M. Banks  P.J. Larkin
Affiliation:(1) Key Lab. of Crop Genetics & Breeding of Ministry of Agriculture, Institute of Crop Breeding and Cultivation, CAAS, Beijing, 100081, China;(2) Division of Plant Industry, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia
We developed some wheat-Th. intermedium translocation lines,Yw642, Yw443 and Yw243, etc., showing good BYDV resistance from L1by induced homoeologous pairing using CS ph mutant. Characterization ofthese wheat lines was carried out by GISH and RFLP analysis. The resultsof GISH showed that the lines, YWw42, Yw443 and Yw243, etc., arehomozygous wheat-Th. intermedium translocation lines, in which thechromosome segments of Th. intermedium were transferred to thedistal end of a pair of wheat chromosomes. RFLP analysis indicated that thetranslocation chromosome of the wheat lines is T7DS · 7DL-7XL. Thebreakpoint of the translocation is located on the distal end of 7DL, betweenXpsr965 and Xpsr680 about 90–99 cm from the centromere. The BYDVgene is located on the distal end of 7XL around Xpsr680, Xpsr687 andXwg380. The RFLP markers of psr680, psr687 and wg380 werecosegregated with the BYDV resistance respectively and could be used formolecular assisted selection (MAS) in wheat breeding program for BYDVresistance.
Keywords:Thinopyrum intermedium  BYDV  translocation  GISH  RFLP  homoeologous group 7
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