Abstract: | G protein-coupled receptor (GPR) 120 is an unsaturated fatty acid receptor, which isassociated with various physiological functions. It is reported that the genetic variantof GPR120, p.Arg270His, is detected more in obese people, and this genetic variationfunctionally relates to obesity in humans. Obesity is a common nutritional disorder alsoin dogs, but the genetic factors have not ever been identified in dogs. In this study, weinvestigated the molecular structure of canine GPR120 and searched for candidate geneticvariants which may relate to obesity in dogs. Canine GPR120 was highly homologous to thoseof other species, and seven transmembrane domains and two N-glycosylation sites wereconserved. GPR120 mRNA was expressed in lung, jejunum, ileum, colon, hypothalamus,hippocampus, spinal cord, bone marrow, dermis and white adipose tissues in dogs, as thosein mice and humans. Genetic variants of GPR120 were explored in client-owned 141 dogs,resulting in that 5 synonymous and 4 non-synonymous variants were found. The variantc.595C>A (p.Pro199Thr) was found in 40 dogs, and the gene frequency was significantlyhigher in dogs with higher body condition scores, i.e. 0.320 in BCS4–5 dogs, 0.175 in BCS3dogs and 0.000 in BCS2 dogs. We conclude that c.595C>A (p.Pro199Thr) is a candidatevariant relating to obesity, which may be helpful for nutritional management of dogs. |