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Deficits of learning and memory in Hemojuvelin knockout mice
Authors:Jinglong LI  Peng ZHANG  Hongju LIU  Wei REN  Jinjing SONG  Elizabeth RAO  Eiki TAKAHASHI  Ying ZHOU  Weidong LI  Xiaoping CHEN
Iron is involved in various physiological processes of the human body to maintain normalfunctions. Abnormal iron accumulation in brain has been reported as a pathogenesis ofseveral neurodegenerative disorders and cognitive impairments. Hemojuvelin (HVJ) is amembrane-bound and soluble protein in mammals that is responsible for the iron overloadcondition known as juvenile hemochromatosis. Although iron accumulation in brain has beenrelated to neurodegenerative diseases, it remains unknown the effect of mutation of HVJgene on cognitive performance. In our studies, HJV(−/−) mice showed deficits in novelobject recognition and Morris water maze tests. Furthermore, the expression ration ofapoptotic marker Bax and anti-apoptotic marker Bcl-2 in the hippocampus and prefrontalcortex showed higher levels in HJV(−/−) mice. Our results suggested that deletion of HJVgene could increase apoptosis in brain which might contribute to learning and memorydeficits in mutant mice. These results indicated that HJV(−/−) mice would be a usefulmodel to study cognitive impairment induced by iron overload in brain.
Keywords:apoptosis   hemojuvelin   learning and memory   mouse
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