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Phosphate desorption from the surface of soil mineral particles by a phosphate-solubilizing fungus
Authors:Nelson Walter Osorio  Mitiku Habte
Affiliation:1. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Calle 59A No. 63-20, Of. 14-216, 050034, Medellín, Colombia
2. University of Hawaii, St. John 102, 3190 Maile Way, 96822, Honolulu, HI, USA
Abstract:High phosphate (Pi) sorption in soils is a serious limiting factor for plant productivity and Pi fertilization efficiency, particularly in highly weathered and volcanic ash soils. In these soils, the sorbed Pi is so strongly held on the surfaces of reactive minerals that it is not available for plant root uptake. The use of phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSM) capable of Pi desorption seems to be a complementary alternative in the management of these soils. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the soil fungus Mortierella sp., a known PSM, to desorb Pi from four soil minerals differing in their Pi sorption capacity. The fungus was effective in desorbing Pi from all tested minerals except from allophane, and its desorption depended on the production of oxalic acid. The effectiveness of the fungus to desorb Pi was ranked as montmorillonite > kaolinite > goethite > allophane. The quantity of desorbed Pi increased by increasing the amount of sorbed Pi. The Pi sorption capacity expressed as P0.2 value (amount of P required to increase a solution P concentration up to 0.2 mg L?1) was a good indicator of the effectiveness of Mortierella sp. to desorb Pi from soil minerals.
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