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引用本文:马小雪,纪晓亮,李军,胡昊,梅琨,Randy Dahlgren,商栩,张明华. 基于GIS的平原河网走航在线水质监测方法研究[J]. 浙江农业学报, 2012, 24(3): 503-508
作者姓名:马小雪  纪晓亮  李军  胡昊  梅琨  Randy Dahlgren  商栩  张明华
作者单位:1. 温州医学院水域科学与环境生态研究所,浙江温州,325035
2. 浙江省农业科学院数字农业研究所,浙江杭州,310021
3. 温州医学院水域科学与环境生态研究所,浙江温州325035;美国加州大学戴维斯分校土壤、大气与水资源系,戴维斯,CA95616
摘    要:针对常规定点水质监测方法无法完整再现水质指标的时空连续分布特征的问题,将船只搭载的水质实时监测设备与GPS同步形成基于GIS数据支撑的走航在线水质监测手段.通过与常规水质监测方法的对比,走航在线水质监测结果的可靠性得到了验证.在温瑞塘河河网选择部分河段进行的实地研究结果表明,走航在线水质监测能够较好地实现对较小尺度范围内水质指标空间分布细节的描绘及对分散点源污染的监测,是对常规定点水质监测的有益补充.

关 键 词:走航连续水质监测  GIS  分散点源污染

Integration of GIS data and on-board real-time water quality monitoring
MA Xiao-xue , Jl Xiao-liang , LI Jun , HU Hao , MEI Kun , Randy Dahlgren , SHANG Xu , ZHANG Minghua. Integration of GIS data and on-board real-time water quality monitoring[J]. Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis, 2012, 24(3): 503-508
Authors:MA Xiao-xue    Jl Xiao-liang    LI Jun    HU Hao    MEI Kun    Randy Dahlgren    SHANG Xu    ZHANG Minghua
Affiliation:1,2,*(1 Wenzhou Medical College,Institute of Water Science and Environmental Ecology,Wenzhou 325035,China;2 University of California,Davies Soil,Air and Water Department,Davis CA 95616,USA;3 Insititute of Digital Agriculture,Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hangzhou 310021,China)
Abstract:Routine monitoring at fixed sites can not represent temporal and spatial water quality patterns of a river system thoroughly.An integration of GIS data and on-board real-time water quality monitoring might be useful to obtain detailed information of water pollution continuously.The water quality measurement results of standard method and real-time monitoring method were highly correlated in our study,so that validating the reliability of on-board monitoring.In situ investigation in a division of Wen-Rui Tang river network showed remarkable resolution of water quality characteristics has been described by on-board real-time water quality monitoring,so that facilitating monitor on dispersed point pollution sources.The integration of GIS data and on-board real-time water quality monitoring can be compensation to fixed sites routine monitoring.
Keywords:on-board real-time water quality monitoring  GIS  dispersed point pollution
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