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引用本文:布云虹,张映翠,胡小东,陈岗. 膜下小苗移栽对烤烟生长发育的影响[J]. 江西农业学报, 2013, 25(4): 157-160
作者姓名:布云虹  张映翠  胡小东  陈岗
摘    要:盆栽和大田试验结果表明:对35~45 d龄的烟苗采用膜下移栽技术,可提高移栽后5 d内地表和5~10 cm土层的日平均温度2~3℃;与采用常规膜上移栽的大苗相比,采用膜下移栽的小苗尽管在移栽时素质较差,在移栽后成活率较低,但其在移栽后发根早,根系活力强,植株生长势强,茎围、株高、最大叶面积均较大;不同处理烤烟的单位面积产量、单位面积产值、均价、中上等烟比例均没有显著差异。

关 键 词:小苗  膜下移栽  烤烟  生长发育

Effects of Transplanting Small Seedling under Plastic Film Mulching on Growth and Development of Flue-cured Tobacco
BU Yun-hong , ZHANG Ying-cui , HU Xiao-dong , CHEN Gang. Effects of Transplanting Small Seedling under Plastic Film Mulching on Growth and Development of Flue-cured Tobacco[J]. Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi, 2013, 25(4): 157-160
Authors:BU Yun-hong    ZHANG Ying-cui    HU Xiao-dong    CHEN Gang
Affiliation:(Chuxiong Company,Yunnan Provincial Tobacco Corporation,Chuxiong 675000,China)
Abstract:The results of field and pot experiments showed that transplanting 35~45-day-old tobacco seedlings under plastic film mulching could enhance the daily mean temperature of soil surface and 5~10 cm soil layer by 2~3 ℃ within 5 days after transplanting.Comparing with the conventionally transplanted large seedlings upon plastic film mulching,the transplanted small seedlings under plastic film mulching had poorer quality at transplanting and lower survival rate after transplanting,but they had early-developed root system with strong activity after transplanting,and their plants had stronger growth potential and better agronomic traits such as stem girth,plant height and maximum leaf area.There were no significant differences in yield per unit area,the output value per unit area,average price and superior leaf proportion of flue-cured tobacco among different treatments.
Keywords:Small seedling  Transplanting under plastic film mulching  Flue-cured tobacco  Growth and development
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