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Effects of stocking density on haematological parameters,growth and fin erosion of great sturgeon (Huso huso) juveniles
Authors:Saeedeh Rafatnezhad  Bahram Falahatkar  Mohammad H Tolouei Gilani
Affiliation:1. Fisheries Department, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, Sowmeh Sara, Guilan, Iran;2. Shahid Dr. Beheshti Sturgeon Fish Propagation and Rearing Complex, Rasht, Guilan, Iran
The influence of stocking density (1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 kg m?2) was investigated on haematological parameters, growth and fin erosion of great sturgeon (Huso huso) juveniles for a period of 8 weeks. The mean weight of fish at the start of trial was 93.13±1.04 g. After 8 weeks of rearing, the mean weight was 362.4, 319.7, 267, 242.1 and 211.1 in densities 1–8 kg m?2 respectively. The results of this study showed that growth parameters, including condition factor, weight, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, specific growth rate and body weight increase, had a statistically significant difference among treatments (P<0.05). A significant difference (P<0.05) was observed in haematocrit, but the other haematological parameters, including red blood cells, white blood cells (WBC), haemoglobin concentration, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration and differential WBC count, showed no significant effect with stocking density (P>0.05). At the end of the experiment, stocking density had no significant effect on plasma cortisol and glucose concentration. The fin length (dorsal, anal, ventral, pectoral and caudal) of fish was measured to calculate the fin index. According to this index, dorsal, anal, ventral and pectoral fins showed no significant difference among treatments (P>0.05), but the erosion of the caudal fin was significantly different between fish held on 6 and 8 kg m?2 (P<0.05). These results showed that rearing density has a major effect on the growth indices of H. huso. Unlike many other fish, great sturgeon exhibited lower stress responses to high stocking density. This indicates that they are more tolerable to rearing conditions in high stocking densities. With respect to the various effects that density causes on growth, fin erosion and physiological and haematological parameters, better understanding of these phenomena considering different levels of density could have a beneficial impact on many rearing steps of this species.
Keywords:stocking density  haematology  growth  stress  great sturgeon (Huso huso)
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