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N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase and antitrypsin in subclinically infected quarter-milk samples: effect of bacteria and hemolysins, lactation stage, and lactation number
Authors:T Mattila  J Syv?j?rvi  N E Jensen  M Sandholm
Interrelationships between N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (indicating cellular damage) and antitrypsin (indicating increased permeability between the blood and milk compartments) were evaluated in 1,411 quarter-milk samples collected during routine herd surveys. N-Acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase was antitrypsin, whereas, in more severe mastitis, antitrypsin had a more constant deflection. The sensitivity of both determinants was associated with the virulence of bacteria. Production of bacterial hemolytic toxins was associated with a significant increase in both determinants. Penicillinase production by staphylococci was associated with selective increases of antitrypsin.
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