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引用本文:张曙光. 成年杉木种子园提质改造无性系选择及容器苗培育技术研究[J]. 湖南林业科技, 2016, 0(6). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-5710.2016.06.007
摘    要:为提高20世纪80年代后期营建的1.5代杉木种子园遗传品质和种子产量,以子代材积增益、当代种子产量均高为标准,选择用于成年种子园提质改造的优良无性系。经综合评价,选择出了靖大30、靖大35、广洋45等可用于杉木成年种子园提质改造的优良无性系20个。采用随机区组设计的方法开展优良无性系容器育苗试验。结果表明:以高度17 cm、直径19 cm规格的容器,按体积比配置70%泥炭土、25%黄心土、5%珍珠岩的混合基质培育容器砧木苗,在砧木保留3轮底枝的部位进行嫁接,切接或舌接法培育2年生容器嫁接苗成活率达90%以上、苗高达93 cm以上。

关 键 词:杉木  种子园  无性系  提质改造  溶器苗

The quality improvement of adult Chinese fir seed orchard with the clone selection and cultivation of container seedling technology
Abstract:In order to improve genetic quality and seed production of 1 .5 generation Chinese fir seed orchard in the late 1980s construction,we choose good clonal of seed orchard transformation based on the standard of the basis of volume and seed high gai.The test of container clonal seedling was based on the method of randomized block design.There are 20 superior Chinese fir clones were chosen by comprehensive evaluation for seed orchard including Jingda 30,Jingda 35, Guangyang 45 et.al.The results showed:with container of 17cm high,19cm diameter;the mixture matrix by volume 70% peat soil,25%yellow subsoil and 5%perlite matrix;,cultivate container rootstock of keeping branches of 3 rounds under graft union;using the method of cut-grafting or tongue-grafting,cultivate 2 years container grafting.It will reach 90% survival rate and seedling height of 93 cm.
Keywords:Chinese fir  seed orchard  clonal  improving quality  container seedling
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