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引用本文:胡旺胜. 机械化深施肥技术及推广[J]. 湖南农机, 2016, 0(1). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-8320.2016.01.005
作者单位:池州市贵池区秋江办事处农业综合服务中心,安徽 池州,247100
摘    要:机械化深施肥技术是作物施肥作业的技术创新,可提高作业效率、肥料利用率和作物产量.但机械化深施肥技术要达到普及推广,还须采取多种措施:加大推广示范和政策扶持力度,加强深施肥技术的农机与农艺配套研究,研究制定机械施肥作业技术标准;农机制造企业要提高产品性能和质量,提高设备使用的可靠性;同时,化肥生产企业也应参与研究,共同开发与深施技术配套的肥料.

关 键 词:施肥机械  深施肥技术  复式作业

The Promotion of Mechanical Deep Fertilization Technology
Abstract:Mechanical deep fertilization technology is the technology innovation of crop fertilization which can improve oper-ating efficiency and crop yields.However,the following measures should be taken to promote and popularize mechanical deep fer-tilization technology:strengthening promoting demonstration and government support,deepening research on technology,setting technical standard of mechanical deep fertilization technology,improving the function and quality of equipment.
Keywords:fertilizer machinery  deep fertilization technique  compound operation
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