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引用本文:张作为,史海滨,李祯,李仙岳,闫建文,李介均. 不同生育时期非充分灌溉对间作作物产量构成因子及收获指数的影响[J]. 干旱地区农业研究, 2016, 34(4): 31-37. DOI: 10.7606/j.issn.1000-7601.2016.04.06
作者姓名:张作为  史海滨  李祯  李仙岳  闫建文  李介均
作者单位:1. 内蒙古农业大学水利与土木建筑工程学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特,010018;2. 磴口县水务局,内蒙古 巴彦淖尔,015000
摘    要:
针对内蒙古河套灌区干旱缺水的实际情况,以春小麦间作玉米、春小麦间作向日葵复合群体为研究对象,以不同生育期的非充分灌溉为试验处理,进行间作模式下的非充分灌溉试验。结果表明:间作下小麦分蘖期每多灌溉15 mm有效分蘖数提高5.4%~15.07%,而乳熟期随着水分胁迫加剧间作模式下的小麦穗粒数、千粒重、产量均呈现出先升高后降低的规律。对于间作下的玉米产量构成,适当减少小麦分蘖与拔节期的灌水量,相应增加小麦乳熟与玉米灌浆吐丝期的灌水量,有利于大幅提高缺水地区间作模式下的玉米产量,且随着灌水总量的升高,穗粒数以1.27~2.47粒·mm~(-1)的速度递增,产量以62.24,94.93,29.73 kg·hm~(-2)·mm~(-1)的"S"型曲线逐渐升高。而对于间作下的向日葵产量构成,其主要受小麦乳熟期与向日葵现蕾期水分处理的影响,且随灌水总量的提高间作向日葵的单株粒数呈先升后降的规律,而百粒重和产量则呈"N"型和"M"型规律变化。对于不同水分处理下各间作作物对水分的敏感指数表现为小麦的敏感指数最高,玉米次之,向日葵最低。不同水分处理对各间作作物收获指数的影响表现为间作模式下的小麦受水分胁迫后其收获指数普遍提高,间作模式下玉米的收获指数随灌水总量上升而逐渐上升,而间作模式下受水分胁迫处理的向日葵收获指数反而下降。

关 键 词:非充分灌溉  间作  产量构成因子  水分敏感指数  收获指数

The influence of deficit irrigation during different growth periods on the yield components and harvest index of intercropped crops
ZHANG Zuo-wei,SHI Hai-bin,LI Zhen,LI Xian-yue,YAN Jian-wen,LI Jie-jun. The influence of deficit irrigation during different growth periods on the yield components and harvest index of intercropped crops[J]. Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas, 2016, 34(4): 31-37. DOI: 10.7606/j.issn.1000-7601.2016.04.06
Authors:ZHANG Zuo-wei  SHI Hai-bin  LI Zhen  LI Xian-yue  YAN Jian-wen  LI Jie-jun
Affiliation:College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010018, China,College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010018, China,College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010018, China,College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010018, China,College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010018, China and Dengkou Water Affairs Bureau, Dengkou County, Bayannaoer, Inner Mongolia 015000, China
In consideration of the drought and water shortage in Inner Mongolia Hetao irrigation district ,deficit irri-gation experiments which took the spring wheat/maize and spring wheat/sunflower intercropping systems as the research object during different crop growth periods were conducted .The results showed that the effective tiller number was in-creased by 5 .4% ~15 .07% with 15 mm increase in irrigation at wheat tillering stage ,whereas the grains per spike , 1000-grain weight and yield were increased first and then became decreased at the wheat milk stage under the aggravation of the water stress .As for the yield component of maize in the intercropping mode ,decreasing the irrigation amount at wheat tillering and jointing stages and increasing the irrigation amount at wheat milk stage and maize grouting silking stage were beneficial to increasing the maize yield substantially in water-deficient district .In addition ,with the increase of to-tal irrigation amount ,the grains per spike was increased with a rate of 1 .27~2 .47 grain·mm-1 ,and the maize yields were increased gradually as 62 .24 ,94 .93 kg·mm-1 ,and 29 .73 kg·mm-1 in a pattern of“S”rate curve .However ,the yield component of sunflower in the intercropping mode was mainly influenced by water treatments at wheat milk stage and sunflower budding stage .Furthermore ,the grains per sunflower spike were increased at the beginning and then became decreased with the increase of irrigation amount ,whereas the 100-seed-weight and sunflower yield were in N -shape and M-shape curves ,respectively .Under different irrigation treatments ,as for the water sensitivity index of intercrop-ping crops ,that of wheat was the highest ,that of sunflower was the lowest ,and that of maize was in the middle .As for the harvest index of intercropping crops under the aggravation of water stress ,that of wheat was increased generally ,that of maize was increased with the increase of total irrigation amount ,whereas that of sunflower was decreased .
Keywords:deficit irrigation  intercropping crops  yield components  water sensitivity index  harvest index
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