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引用本文:金兰梅,伍清林,马玉,周玲玲,傲国霞,刘银燕,曾疆雪. 四种植物提取物对大肠杆菌的抑菌效果研究[J]. 家畜生态学报, 2012, 33(6): 72-77
作者姓名:金兰梅  伍清林  马玉  周玲玲  傲国霞  刘银燕  曾疆雪
摘    要: 为充分利用当地资源和进一步开发植物药进行畜禽大肠杆菌病防治提供科学依据,采摘了本地生长的马鞭草、马齿苋、忍冬藤、蒲公英等四种植物,应用水提醇沉法制备提取液,用纸片扩散法和试管两倍稀释法对猪源、鸽源、牛源大肠杆菌进行体外抑菌效果试验,同时以小鼠为试验动物,检测四种植物提取液体内的抗菌作用。结果显示,四种植物对猪源大肠杆菌的抑菌圈在10~14 mm之间,均为中敏;对鸽源大肠杆菌在10~22 mm之间,马鞭草极敏,蒲公英高敏;对牛源大肠杆菌在7~14 mm之间,马鞭草高敏,蒲公英、忍冬藤中敏,马齿苋低敏。马鞭草对猪源、鸽源大肠杆菌的MIC和MBC是31.25 mg/mL,对牛源是62.5 mg/mL;蒲公英对猪源、鸽源的大肠杆菌MIC和MBC是62.5 mg/mL,对牛源是125 mg/mL;马齿苋对猪源的MIC和MBC是62.5 mg/mL和125 mg/mL,对鸽源、牛源的MIC和MBC分别是125 mg/mL和250 mg/mL;忍冬藤对猪源、牛源的MIC和MBC分别是125 mg/mL和250 mg/mL,对鸽源MIC和MBC是62.5 mg/mL和125 mg/mL。小鼠体内抗菌作用提示,用蒲公英和马鞭草1.88 g/kg、马齿苋和忍冬藤3.75 g/kg进行预防,可使感染大肠杆菌的小鼠成活率为达100%。四种植物提取液对大肠杆菌体外抑菌和体内抗菌均有较好的效果,马鞭草效果最好

关 键 词:植物  大肠杆菌  抗菌试验

Study on the Antibacterial Effect of the Extracts from 4 Species of Plants on Escherichia coli
Affiliation:JIN Lan-mei,WU Qing-lin,MA Yu,ZHOU Ling-ling,AO Guo-xia,LIU Yin-yan,ZEN Jiang-xue(College of Animal Science,Jinling Institute of Technology,Nanjing,Jiangsu,210038,China)
Abstract:To prevent the spread of Escherichia coli in raised animals and invent new herbal medicine, the experiment adopted Verbena officinalis, Portulace oleracea,Caules Lonicerae and Taraxacum mongon to extract the medicine.  The experiment used dilute solution of the medicine on mice to determine the bacteria's sensitivity.  It showed the sensitivity of pig's E. coli to the drug is moderate and the range of antibacterial diameters was 10~14 mm.  The sensitivity of pigeon's E. coli to the drug was high and the range of antibacterial diameters was 10~22 mm. The sensitivity of cow's E. coli to the drug was high and the range of antibacterial diameters was 7~14 mm.  The Verbena officinalis's MIC to pig's and cow's E. coli were 31.25 mg/mL,62.5 mg/mL. The Taraxacum mongon's MIC to pig's and cow's E. coli were 62.5 mg/mL, 125 mg/mL. The Taraxacum mongon's MIC to pig's and cow's E. coli were 62.5 mg/mL, 125 mg/mL.  The Portulace oleracea's MIC to pig's and cow's E. coli were 62.5 mg/mL, 125 mg/mL, while MBC were 125 mg/mL, 250 mg/mL. The Caules Lonicerae's MIC to pig's and pigeon's E. coli were 125 mg/mL, 125 mg/mL, while MBC were 125 mg/mL, 250 mg/mL. The experiment on mice showed with Verbena officinalis and Taraxacum mongon 1.88 g/kg ,Portulace oleracea and Caules Lonicerae 3.75 g/kg, the survival rate of mice was 100%. Four plants were all effective to E. coli and Verbena officinalis had the best effect.
Keywords:plants  Escherichia coli Escherichia coli  antibacterial test
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