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Persistent Frenulum of the Epiglottis in Four Foals
Authors:Tom B. Yarbrough  DVM  Diplomate ACVS    ED Voss  DVM    Eric J. Herrgesell  DVM  Diplomate ACVR    Michelle Shaw  DVM
Affiliation:Department of Surgical and Radiological Sciences, University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine, 95616, USA.
OBJECTIVE: To report the clinical signs and management of 4 foals with persistent frenulum of the epiglottis. STUDY DESIGN: Case report. ANIMALS: Four newborn foals. METHODS: Foals were admitted with a complaint of oronasal reflux after nursing. Variable systemic signs of aspiration pneumonia were evident. Nasal endoscopy confirmed persistent dorsal displacement of the soft palate. Persistent frenulum of the epiglottis, confirmed by oral endoscopic examination, was transected. RESULTS: After surgery, all foals had the epiglottis positioned normally, dorsal to the soft palate. Clinical signs of oronasal reflux resolved by the second nursing attempt in 3 foals, whereas this was difficult to assess in one foal that was nursed intermittently because of the mares behavior. This foal died 2 days later. The other 3 foals have had normal epiglottic function for 2-4 years. CONCLUSIONS: Persistent frenulum of the epiglottis should be considered in foals with oronasal reflux from birth. With appropriate medical and surgical management the prognosis for resolution should be good.
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