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引用本文:孙守文,李宏,郑朝晖,姜翠,卢明艳. 6种新疆主栽树种耐盐能力及盐胁迫下光合特性分析[J]. 西南林学院学报, 2011, 0(5): 10-14
作者姓名:孙守文  李宏  郑朝晖  姜翠  卢明艳
摘    要:研究盐胁迫条件下银新杨、沙枣、胡杨、沙棘、白腊、白榆6种新疆主栽造林树种对盐胁迫的反应敏感性、耐盐能力和光合特性。结果表明,各浓度盐胁迫下,各树种对盐敏感的程度从大到小为白腊〉白榆〉胡杨〉沙枣〉银新杨〉沙棘;对盐的忍耐时间长短排序为:银新杨〉沙棘〉沙枣〉白腊〉白榆〉胡杨,银新杨对高浓度盐胁迫忍耐时间最长。综合各树种的死亡率和最低致死盐浓度,其耐盐能力大小依次为:胡杨〉沙棘〉沙枣〉银新杨〉白榆〉白腊。根据盐胁迫后试验树种光合特性的变化规律,将其分为3种类型:第1种类型沙棘为下降型,即苗木受盐胁迫后净光合速率均比对照明显下降;第2种类型白蜡、白榆为中间型,在〈0.276%盐胁迫后表现出一定的抗性,且随着盐胁迫浓度的增加净光舍速率减小;第3种类型为上升型,在〈0.414%盐胁迫时,银新杨、胡杨、沙枣受盐胁迫后净光合速率上升,并在一定时间、一定盐浓度的胁迫条件下能维持较高的净光合速率,且不低于对照。0.138%浓度盐胁迫下第4天,6个树种的光合能力为银新杨〉沙棘〉胡杨〉沙枣〉白榆〉白腊。盐胁迫下各树种的光合作用较对照有明显的下降,光合能力下降的顺序依次为:沙棘〉银新杨〉沙枣〉胡杨〉白腊〉白榆。

关 键 词:主栽树种  盐胁迫  耐盐能力  光合特性  新疆

Study on Salt Tolerance of Six Main Tree Species in Xinjiang and Their Photosynthetic Characteristics Under Salt Stress
SUN Shou-wen,LI Hong,ZHENG Zhao-hui,JIANG Cui,LU Ming-yan. Study on Salt Tolerance of Six Main Tree Species in Xinjiang and Their Photosynthetic Characteristics Under Salt Stress[J]. Journal of Southwest Forestry College, 2011, 0(5): 10-14
Authors:SUN Shou-wen  LI Hong  ZHENG Zhao-hui  JIANG Cui  LU Ming-yan
Affiliation:SUN Shou-wen1,LI Hong1,ZHENG Zhao-hui1,JIANG Cui2,LU Ming-yan1(1.Xinjiang Academy of Forestry Sciences,Urumqi Xinjiang 830002,China,2.College of Forestry,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi Xinjiang 830003,China)
Abstract:The response sensibility,salt tolerance and photosynthetic characteristics of six major afforestation tree species in Xinjiang,i.e.,Populus alba var.pyramidalis,Eleagnus angustifolia,Populus euphratica,Hippophae rhamnoides,Fraxinus chinensis and Ulmus pumila were studied under salt stress conditions.The results showed that the sensibility to salt stress of the six tree speices with different salt concentration was ordered as: Fraxinus chinensis > Ulmus pumila > Populus euphratica > Eleagnus angustifolia > P...
Keywords:major tree species  salt stress  salt tolerance  photosynthetic characteristics  Xinjiang  
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