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引用本文:牛新胜,王绍雷,吕振宇,沈广城,郝晋珉,牛灵安,杨合法,闫 勇. 华北平原典型农区农地细碎化对村级农田林网的影响--以河北省曲周县为例[J]. 中国生态农业学报, 2014, 22(4): 447-455
作者姓名:牛新胜  王绍雷  吕振宇  沈广城  郝晋珉  牛灵安  杨合法  闫 勇
作者单位:中国科学院南京土壤研究所土壤环境与污染修复重点实验室 南京 210008;中国科学院南京土壤研究所土壤环境与污染修复重点实验室 南京 210008
摘    要:本研究以河北省曲周县农地细碎化的杏园村、西魏村和农地规模经营的东刘庄村为例,采用实地测量和问卷调查的方法,探明农地细碎化对村级农田防护林的影响及其根源。结果表明,农地细碎化对村级农田林网结构和配置造成破坏。农地细碎化的林网网格增大,主带距是华北平原区推荐值的2.70倍。农地细碎化林网树种单一,配置不合理。杏园村和西魏村约53.8%的干道北侧无林木,干道北侧林带林木数量平均比南侧显著减少60.8%;其紧邻农田行树木密度为0~26株·50m-1,比次邻行的数量显著减少25.8%(P0.05),比东刘庄减少47.3%。据林带面积与林木数量关系的拟合曲线,东刘庄村林木最高密度为23.2株·100m-2,比其余两村高56.5%。多数农户反对田边地头栽树,经营林网技术匮乏。人多地少矛盾是林网毁坏的深层原因,林木胁地是其直接原因,农地细碎化激化了这些矛盾。土地整理规划是解决现状的根本途径,同时不可忽视社会教育和管理。

关 键 词:农地细碎化  农田防护林  村级农林网  农田景观  华北平原

Effect of arable land fragmentation on farmland-forest network at village level in typical agricultural regions of North China Plain-A case of Quzhou County, Hebei Province
NIU Xinsheng,WANG Shaolei,LYU Zhenyu,SHEN Guangcheng,HAO Jinmin,NIU Ling''an,YANG Hefa and YAN Yong. Effect of arable land fragmentation on farmland-forest network at village level in typical agricultural regions of North China Plain-A case of Quzhou County, Hebei Province[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2014, 22(4): 447-455
Authors:NIU Xinsheng  WANG Shaolei  LYU Zhenyu  SHEN Guangcheng  HAO Jinmin  NIU Ling''an  YANG Hefa  YAN Yong
Affiliation:Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation, Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China;Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation, Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China
Abstract:This research investigated Xingyuan, Xiwei and Dongliuzhuang Villages of Quzhou County, Hebei Province, in a case study to confirm the effects of cultivated land fragmentation on farmland shelterbelt network at village level. While Xingyuan and Xiwei Villages have arable land fragmentation, Dongliuzhuang Village has arable land with scale management. The study used field measurements and questionnaire surveys to clarify the main causes of effects of cultivated land fragmentation on farmland shelterbelt network. The results suggested that arable land fragmentation destroyed the structure and configuration of farmland shelterbelts at village scale. The magnitude of grids of forests network increased and the distance between main forest belts was averagely 2.70 times the recommended value for the North China Plain. Trees of the same species were generally used under agricultural land fragmentation management. About 53.8% of the main lines had no woods planted on the northern flank and the number of trees planted on the northern flank of the main line decreased significantly (about 60.8%) compared with the number of trees on the southern flank in Xingyuan and Xiwei Villages. In these villages, the density of trees in the first row from the fields was 0 26 plants per 50 m. Compared with the first row, this decreased by 25.8% (P < 0.05) in the second row from the fields. It further decreased by 47.3% compared with that in Dongliuzhuang Village. The maximum tree density in Dongliuzhuang Village was 23.2 plants per 100 m2, based on the curve of best fit between tree-belt area and tree number. Maximum tree density in Dongliuzhuang Village increased by 56.5% compared with that in Xingyuan and Xiwei Villages. Most farmers were strongly opposed to forest belt construction near fields and favored forest managements they owned. The main reason for the conflict was the huge population and scarce land. Farmland shelter network under arable land fragmentation also significantly suppressed crops near trees. Furthermore, long-term agricultural land fragmentation actually worsened the land management conflicts. Rearrangement of cultivated lands and reasonable designs were fundamental for resolving the above problems. It was also vital not to ignore social education and management of public farmland shelterbelts.
Keywords:Tomato   Bemisia tabaci   Fertilization   Plant nutrition   Development   Reproduction
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