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引用本文:张铁鹰,张丽阳,刘俊丽,廖朝勇,吕林,廖秀冬,罗绪刚. 我国畜禽饲料资源中微量元素砷含量分布的调查研究[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(21): 4507-4515. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.21.018
作者姓名:张铁鹰  张丽阳  刘俊丽  廖朝勇  吕林  廖秀冬  罗绪刚
作者单位:中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所,北京 100193
摘    要:【目的】研究我国不同地区间各种饲料原料中砷含量分布情况及不同饲料原料中砷含量超标情况,确定砷污染高风险原料为严控饲料砷含量,防止饲料砷超标提供科学依据,更为饲料企业科学制定重金属砷的品控方案提供数据支持。【方法】利用离子色谱-电感耦合等离子体-质谱联用仪(IC-ICP-MS)对采自全国31个省、直辖市和自治区的40种共4 054个主要畜禽饲料原料中砷含量进行测定。【结果】这40种饲料原料的平均砷含量范围为5.21—13 292.0μg·kg-1之间,而各类饲料原料砷含量分布规律是:矿物质饲料(5 018.6μg·kg-1)>动物性蛋白饲料(1 704.8μg·kg-1)>秸秆类饲料(1 239.0μg·kg-1)>牧草类饲料(500.3μg·kg-1)>谷类籽实加工副产品(329.24μg·kg-1)>植物性蛋白饲料(72.99μg·kg-1)>谷类籽实(38.07μg·kg-1)。同时发现,谷物籽实及其副产物与秸秆类饲料的砷分布规律:玉米秸>副产物(玉米蛋白粉、喷浆玉米皮、玉米DDGS)>玉米籽实;小麦秸>副产物(小麦麸、小麦DD...

关 键 词:饲料原料  砷含量    

A Survey on Distribution of Arsenic Contents in Feedstuffs for Livestock and Poultry in China
ZHANG TieYing,ZHANG LiYang,LIU JunLi,LIAO ChaoYong,LÜ Lin,LIAO XiuDong,LUO XuGang. A Survey on Distribution of Arsenic Contents in Feedstuffs for Livestock and Poultry in China[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(21): 4507-4515. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.21.018
Authors:ZHANG TieYing  ZHANG LiYang  LIU JunLi  LIAO ChaoYong  LÜ Lin  LIAO XiuDong  LUO XuGang
Affiliation:Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193
Abstract:【Objective】 The aim of this survey was to study the arsenic (As) contents in various feed ingredients from different provinces in China, providing a scientific basis for controlling As contents in the feed ingredients, and even for guiding feed companies to establish a scientific process on As detection. 【Method】A total of 40 types of 4 054 feed samples were collected from 31 provinces, municipalities and regions, and then the As contents of them were measured by Ion chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (IC-ICP-MS). 【Result】The results showed that the average As contents of these 40 kinds of feed ingredients ranged from 5.21 to 13 292.0 μg·kg-1, and the distribution of As contents in different species of feed ingredients was as follows: mineral ingredients (5 018.6 μg·kg-1)>animal ingredients (1 704.8 μg·kg-1)>straw ingredients (1 239.0 μg·kg-1)>pasture ingredients (500.3 μg·kg-1)>cereal by-products (329.24 μg·kg-1)>plant protein ingredients (72.99 μg·kg-1 )>cereals (38.07 μg·kg-1 ). Meanwhile, the distribution of As contents of cereals, cereal by-products and straw ingredients was as follows: corn straw>corn by-products (corn gluten meal, spray corn cortex and corn DDGS)>corn; wheat straw>wheat by-products (wheat bran, wheat DDGS and wheat middling)>wheat; rice straw>rice by-products ( rice bran and defatted rice bran)>rice>broken rice, which concerned the capacities of different parts of cereals gathering As from soil and water, root>leaf>stem>chaff>grain . The results in comparison with As contents of corn, wheat or soybean meal from different provinces (regions) are extremely significant (P<0.01) respectively, demonstrating As contents among same type of samples from different regions are significant also. Moreover, the ratios of As contents exceeding the limit standard, based on hygienical standard for feeds, have been calculated among the 40 kinds of feed ingredients. As contents in cereals, plant protein ingredients and pasture ingredients were under the limit standard. Nevertheless, As contents of only defatted rice bran in cereal by-products presented the over-limit ratio of 2.8%; As contents of only fish meal in animal ingredients showed the over-limit ratio of 5.3%; The over-limit ratio of rice straw in straw ingredients was 27.4%; Both limestone and dicalcium phosphate in mineral ingredients were with high over-limit ratios 30.8% and 60%, respectively. Over-limit ratios of As contents in different kinds of feed ingredients were as follows: dicalcium phosphate>limestone>rice straw>fish meal>defatted rice bran.【Conclusion】 The above results showed that the As contents in feed ingredients varied greatly in different kinds and regions. The As contents of those cereals relatives ingredients presented a common rule, that is, As contents of straw ingredients were highest, successively, cereals by-products and cereals. Especially, As contents of dicalcium phosphate, limestone, rice straw, fish meal and defatted rice bran were above the limit standard sometimes, which could be considered as high risk feed ingredients. Therefore, the As content in basal diets from different types and regions should be considered in the preparation of diets. It is necessary to improve As detection frequency to make sure of the As contents in animal diets under the safe limits according to the GB 13078-2017 strictly.
Keywords:feedstuff  arsenic contents  pig  chicken  
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