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Seed cone production enhanced by injecting 38-year-old Larix occidentalis Nutt. with GA4/7
Authors:Shearer  Raymond C.  Stoehr  Michael U.  Webber  Joe E.  Ross  Stephen D.
Affiliation:(1) USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Missoula, Montana 59807-8089, USA;(2) British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Glyn Road Research Station, Victoria, British Columbia, V8W 3E7, Canada
Abstract:The influence of injecting 38-year-old Larix occidentalis with gibberellin A4/7 (GA4/7) on seed and pollen cone production was studied in western Montana, U.S.A. Two natural stands thinned to several spacings in 1961 were chosen. The two widest spacings were used. In 1991, 60 trees selected for study at each site were randomly divided into two groups of similar DBH, half as controls and half injected in June 1991 with a solution of GA4/7 in ethyl alcohol. The volume injected was adjusted to the DBH of each tree (60 mg per 5 cm diameter). In June 1994, half the trees treated with GA4/7 in 1991 and half the untreated trees were injected with GA4/7 in the same manner as before. In 1992 and 1995, seed cone production increased on GA4/7-treated trees compared to the controls. Pollen cone production was significantly increased by GA4/7 treatment but only at one site. Delayed effects of GA4/7 on seed cone production was not evident in subsequent years after treatment. Foliar and shoot damage on treated trees was attributed to GA4/7 treatment but most trees recovered completely the following year. Finally, GA4/7 treatment did not affect cone length, potential seed per cone or filled seed per cone.
Keywords:pollen cone production  seed quality  tree spacing  western larch
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