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引用本文:季萌萌,彭玲,文炤,姜翰,葛顺峰,姜远茂. 供磷水平对苹果砧木氮、磷吸收和利用特性的影响[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2015, 21(4): 1016-1021. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2015.0421
作者姓名:季萌萌  彭玲  文炤  姜翰  葛顺峰  姜远茂
作者单位:1.山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院,作物生物学国家重点实验室,山东泰安 271018)
摘    要:
【目的】磷能够促进植物体内NO-3的还原和同化,但过量的磷往往致使植株体内游离氨基酸和酰胺含量增加,阻碍蛋白质的合成。为此,本试验研究了不同苹果砧木在不同供磷水平下对氮、磷吸收利用差异,旨在选出不同磷水平下氮素吸收和利用效率高的砧木,确定合理的氮磷肥配比,提高果树的养分利用效率。【方法】以一年生平邑甜茶(Malus hupehensis Rehd.)、八棱海棠(M.micromalus Makino)和富平楸子[M.prunifolia(Willd)Borkh.]为试材,设置5个供磷水平(P0~P4),分别为P2O50、50、100、150和200 kg/hm2,同时施入15N-尿素0.1 g,3次重复。整株取样后将植株分成根、茎和叶三部分,烘干,粉碎,称重,备测。用钒钼黄比色法测定各器官含磷量;全氮用凯氏定氮法,15N丰度用MAT-251质谱仪测定。【结果】3种苹果砧木的磷吸收效率在P1水平比不施磷增加,在P2以上水平时略有下降,在P3、P4水平,磷吸收效率显著低于P1处理。富平楸子根、茎、叶从肥料15N中吸收分配制的15N量对该器官全氮量的贡献率(Ndff)在P0、P1、P2处理下较高,P3处理较低;氮肥利用率在P1处理最高(6.39%),P3处理最低(3.31%)。八棱海棠各器官的Ndff不同供磷水平间波动较小,在P2处理最低;其氮肥利用率随供磷水平的增加逐渐增加,在P3~P4处理氮肥利用率最高。平邑甜茶各器官Ndff在P2处理达到最大值,此时根、茎、叶的Ndff值分别为5.21%、4.55%、5.79%,显著高于相同磷水平下富平楸子和八棱海棠各器官;其氮肥利用率P2处理最高(4.86%),继续提高供磷水平则下降。【结论】富平楸子原产于土壤含磷量较低的陕北高原,其氮肥利用率在低磷时(P2O550 kg/hm2)最高,从磷素利用角度富平楸子可作为该地区苹果砧木的重要参考;八棱海棠在高磷条件下氮肥利用率处于较高水平,可作为环渤海湾产区高磷苹果园砧木的重要参考;平邑甜茶在中等磷水平时氮肥利用率最高,且平邑甜茶具有较强的抗耐性和嫁接亲和力,因此平邑甜茶可在磷素较为充足的山丘地新建苹果园采用。

关 键 词:苹果   砧木       吸收   利用

Nitrogen and phosphorus absorption and utilization characteristicsof apple rootstocks under different phosphorus levels
JI Meng-meng,PENG Ling,WEN Zhao,JIANG Han,GE Shun-feng,JIANG Yuan-mao. Nitrogen and phosphorus absorption and utilization characteristicsof apple rootstocks under different phosphorus levels[J]. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2015, 21(4): 1016-1021. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2015.0421
Authors:JI Meng-meng  PENG Ling  WEN Zhao  JIANG Han  GE Shun-feng  JIANG Yuan-mao
Affiliation:1.State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology,College of Horticulture Science and Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University,Tai’an,Shandong 271018,China
【Objectives】Phosphorus is an indispensable element in promoting NO-3 reduction and assimilation. Excessive phosphorus tends to increase free amino acid and amides, and then depress protein synthesis. Therefore, the absorption and utilization characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus were studied using three apple rootstocks, aiming to pick out efficient rootstocks on nitrogen absorption and utilization under different P levels.【Methods】 Three kinds of one-year-old apple rootstocks, Malus hupehensis Rehd, M. micromalus Makino and M. prunifolia(Willd)Borkh., were labeled with 15N-urea in this study. P2O5 application levels were 0(P0), 50(P1), 100(P2), 150(P3) and 200(P4) kg/hm2 respectively with triplicates. The plants were sampled and divided into roots, stems and leaves, then dried, grinded and weighed. P contents of different organs were determined using vanadium molybdate yellow colorimetric method, the total N was measured by Kjeldahl method, and the abundance of15N was tested by MAT-251 mass spectrometer.【Results】 The P absorption efficiency of the rootstocks are increased with P2O5 levels in the P0-P1 treatments, then decreased under the high P2O5 rate. The Ndff values of M. prunifolia(Willd)Borkh. are high in the P0-P2 treatments, and the N utilization efficiency is the highest in P1 treatment(6.39%), while the percentages of N derived from fertilizer in the total N of the organs (Ndff) and N utilization efficiency in the P3 treatment are the lowest. The Ndff of M. micromalus Makino varies slightly with P levels, and the N utilization efficiencies in the P3-P4 treatments present high levels. The Ndffs of Malus hupehensis Rehd. are decreased after an increase with the phosphorus application, with minimum in P1 and maximum in P2, and the Ndff values of roots, stems and leaves are 5.21%, 4.55% and 5.79% respectively, which exceed those of M. prunifolia(Willd)Borkh. and M. micromalus Makino significantly. The N utilization efficiency of Malus hupehensis Rehd. is the highest in the P2 treatment(4.86%), and then follows a downtrend.【Conclusions】The N utilization rate of M. prunifolia(Willd)Borkh. which is native to northern Shaanxi plateau, is high under low phosphorus condition, thus can be a reference to the apple rootstocks applied in this region from the perspective of P utilization. M. micromalus Makino presents a high N utilization rate under high phosphorus level, hence can be used in high phosphorus apple orchard in Bohai Bay. N utilization of Malus hupehensis Rehd. is high in medium phosphorus level, along with the strong resistance and graft compatibility, so it’s widely used in newly built orchard in the hills.
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