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Proline and light as quality enhancers of rocket (Eruca sativa Miller) grown under saline conditions
Authors:Giancarlo Barbieri  Antonella BottinoEmilio Di Stasio  Simona ValloneAlbino Maggio
Institution:Department of Agricultural Engineering and Agronomy, University of Naples Federico II, Via Università 100, 80055 Portici (Naples), Italy
Abstract:Stress conditions experienced during growth may affect plant responses during post-harvest storage and eventually determine the overall quality of commercial products. In this context, we hypothesized that foliar applications of proline during the growth cycle and light exposure during post-harvest storage could be two important modulators of yield and quality parameters of rocket plants exposed to NaCl stress. Dry matter percentage increased upon NaCl treatment. However, fresh weight loss during storage did not change over time as a consequence of salt stress. High salinity (100 mM NaCl) moderately reduced both leaf nitrate (14%) and nitrite (3%) contents. Lipophilic (LAC) and hydrophilic (HAC) antioxidant activities also decreased by 10% at the highest salinization (average of two growth cycles). In contrast, during storage, LAC decreased whereas HAC increased. Proline applications reduced the leaf nitrate content during storage by 16%, increased carotenoids and chlorophyll contents in salinized plants and also increased the ascorbate leaf concentration in both salinized and non-salinzed plants. Light storage enhanced fresh weight loss in contrast to dark storage. However the exposure to light reduced leaf nitrate levels by 7% (average of two growth cycles) and contributed to maintain high leaf ascorbate concentrations over time.
Keywords:Leafy vegetables  Hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant activity  Ascorbic acid  Carotenoids  Leaf nitrates
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