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Effect testing of the chemicals for controlling pine needle bright
Authors:Wang Jun  Wang Daojun  Wu Changyou  Ge Yuxiang  Li Pengfei  Zhang Ximing
Affiliation:(1) Honghuarji Forestry Bureau, 021112 Honghuarji, Inner Mongolia, P. R. China;(2) Animals and Plants Quarantine Bureau of Manzhouli City, Manzhouli, China
Abstract:The indoor toxicity determination for several chemicals were carried out on Septoria pini-putmlae andDothistroma pini. The resutts showed that Carbendazol, Zineb and Thiophanate-methyl had better effect of killingthe fungi. The field experiment indicated that Zineb wettable powder with concentrations of 1:200, 1:300 and 1:500had 79.2%, 67.2% and 59.7% control results respectively. The control results of 1:200 Carbendazol wettable powder and 1:200 Thiophahate-methyl wettable powder were 67.7% and 67% respectively.
Keywords:Pinus sylvestris var  Mongolica Needle bright disease  Septoria pini-putmlae   Dothistroma pini  Chemincal control  Chemical effect testing
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