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引用本文:朱书玉 刘岩山 等. 黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区小杓鹬初步调查[J]. 山东林业科技, 2000, 0(5): 17-19
作者姓名:朱书玉 刘岩山 等
作者单位:[1]黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区管理局,东营257091 [2]东营市河口区林业局
摘    要:小杓鹬是一种濒危鸟类,通过对其种群及生境调查,发现黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区是小杓鹬在迁徒路线上的第一个重要的集中停歇地,种群数量超过世界总数量的17%,在该地区停留约40天。小杓鹬偏受低矮草地生境,农业开发已越来越对其栖息地产生影响。

关 键 词:黄河三角洲 自然保护区 小杓鹬 种群 草地 生境

Numenius borealis in the National Nature Reserve of the Yellow River Dalta
Zhu Shuyu et al.. Numenius borealis in the National Nature Reserve of the Yellow River Dalta[J]. Journal of Shandong Forestry Science and Technology, 2000, 0(5): 17-19
Authors:Zhu Shuyu et al.
Affiliation:Zhu Shuyu et al.
Abstract:Numenius borealisis in imminent danger.Investigation of its population and habitat finds that the national nature reserve of the Yellow River Delta is the first important collecting rest-place of its migration line.The population is more than seventeen percent of the world total and stay in the area about forty days.Numenius borealis Likes low grass field.Agricultural developing affects the bird's rest place increasingly.
Keywords:Yellowriver Delta  Nature reserve  Namenius borealis  Population  Grass field  
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