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引用本文:赵丽红,马秋刚,陈旭东,胡新旭,计成. 日粮代谢能和赖氨酸水平对AA肉鸡生长性能和屠宰性能的影响[J]. 中国畜牧杂志, 2008, 44(23)
作者姓名:赵丽红  马秋刚  陈旭东  胡新旭  计成
摘    要:为了研究日粮不同代谢能和赖氨酸水平对AA肉鸡生长性能和屠宰性能的影响,试验选用160只1日龄AA公雏,随机分为5个处理,每个处理32个重复,每重复1只鸡,实行单笼饲养。试验采用2因子(代谢能和赖氨酸)×2水平(低于和高于对照组)随机区组设计,设1个对照组(代谢能参照NRC,1994),2个代谢能水平分别为12.97、13.81MJ/kg;2个赖氨酸水平0~3周龄分别为1.0%、1.2%,4~6周龄分别为0.9%、1.1%,对照组代谢能水平0~6周龄为13.39MJ/kg,赖氨酸水平0~3周龄为1.1%,4~6周龄为1.0%。42日龄屠宰,试验结果表明:①日粮代谢能水平从12.97MJ/kg提高到13.81MJ/kg,肉鸡平均体重增加12.67%,饲料转化率升高7%(P<0.01);日粮赖氨酸水平提高20%,体重显著增加12.38%(P<0.05),饲料转化率升高3.84%(P<0.01);日粮代谢能和赖氨酸对饲料转化率有显著的互作效应(P<0.05);②随着代谢能水平的提高,屠体重、全净膛重、胸肌重、腿肌重、腹脂重和腹脂率相应提高,高能组显著高于中、低能组(P<0.05),赖氨酸水平对屠体重、全净膛重、胸肌重和胸肌率产生极显著的影响(P<0.01),与低赖氨酸组相比,高赖氨酸日粮组肉鸡屠体重增加12.33%、全净膛重增加12.62%、胸肌重增加28.53%、胸肌率提高3.11%,代谢能和赖氨酸水平对肉鸡腹脂重有显著的互作效应(P<0.05);③日粮代谢能水平为13.81MJ/kg,赖氨酸水平0~3周龄为1.2%、4~6周龄为1.1%时AA肉鸡获得最佳生产性能和屠宰性能,与实际生产中应用的NRC(1994)代谢能和赖氨酸水平相比,AA肉鸡多赢利1.44元/只。

关 键 词:生长性能  屠宰性能  代谢能  赖氨酸  AA肉鸡

Effects of Dietary Energy Levels and Lysine Levels on Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Arbor Acres Broilers
ZHAO Li-hong,MA Qiu-gang,CHEN Xu-dong,HU Xin-xu,JI Cheng. Effects of Dietary Energy Levels and Lysine Levels on Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Arbor Acres Broilers[J]. Chinese Journal of Animal Science, 2008, 44(23)
Authors:ZHAO Li-hong  MA Qiu-gang  CHEN Xu-dong  HU Xin-xu  JI Cheng
Abstract:This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary energy levels and lysine levels on performance and carcass characteristics of 42-d-old broilers and to determine the optimum level of energy and lysine of AA broiler. A total of 160 1 -d -old male broiler chicks were randomly assigned to five experimental dietary treatments in a 2 ×2 randomized block design and a control treatment with 32 replicates of one bird per replicate pen. Energy and lysine concentrations were lower (L) or higher (H) than those of NRC (1994) recommendations which comprised of four trial diets, respectively, varied by 0.418 MJ of ME/kg of diet and 0.1% ratio from 0 to 3 weeks of age and from 4 to 6 weeks of age, and according with NRC (1994) recommendations the moderate (M) presented the control group diet. Results showed that ①when the levels of dietary energy were increased from 12.97 MJ/kg to 13.81 MJ/kg, the body weight of broilers was increased by 12.67% and feed gain ratio was decreased by 7%; with a 20% increasing in the level of dietary lysine, the body weight was significantly increased by 12.38%(P < 0.05) and feed coversion ratio was decreased by 3.84%. There was an obvious interaction effect on feed gain ratio (P < 0.05). ②The carcass weight, eviscerated weight, breast weight, thigh weight, abdominal fat weight and abdominal fat yield were increased with the increase of dietary energy and lysine. When the levels of dietary lysine were increased by 20%, the carcass weight, eviscerated weight, breast muscle weigh and breast muscle yield were significantly improved by 12.33%, 12.62%, 28.53%, and 3.11%, respectively. There was an obvious interaction effect on abdominal fat weight (P < 0.05). ③Birds got the optimum growth and carcass performance when the levels of dietary energy were 13.81 MJ/kg , the levels of dietary lysine were 1.2% from 0 to 3 weeks of age and were 1.1% from 4 to 6 weeks of age. The profits of birds in HH was more 1.44 yuan/ bird than that of present NRC (1994) group.
Keywords:performance   carcass characteristics   dietary energy   dietary lysine   broilers
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