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引用本文:章玉苹,李敦松,张宝鑫,陈明洋,钟娟,宋月. 蝇蛹俑小蜂对桔小实蝇蛹的功能反应及温湿度对蜂成虫寿命的影响[J]. 中国生物防治, 2010, 26(4): 385-390
作者姓名:章玉苹  李敦松  张宝鑫  陈明洋  钟娟  宋月
基金项目:国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项基金(20093047); 广东省农科院院长基金(20090105)
摘    要:在温度26℃、RH70%、光周期L∶D=14h∶10h的条件下,研究了蝇蛹俑小蜂Spalangia endius Walker对桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)蛹的寄生功能反应。结果表明:桔小实蝇蛹的密度变化对蝇蛹俑小蜂的寄生作用有很大影响,用功能反应HollingⅡ模型模拟,其模拟方程为Na=0.4473N0/(1+0.0142N0)。桔小实蝇蛹密度越高,被寄生的蛹量随自身密度的增加而增加;当蛹密度大于30头时,被寄生的蛹量增幅急剧变小而接近极限水平。通过该方程可明确单头雌成蜂在24h内最多寄生31.55头桔小实蝇蛹,其寄生1头蛹所需时间为0.76h;此外蝇蛹俑小蜂雌成蜂的自身密度对寄生有一定的干扰作用,其干扰作用通过Hassell-Varley模型拟合,方程为α=0.0621P-0.3062,表明蝇蛹俑小蜂雌成蜂的发现域随着自身密度的增加而逐渐变小,寄生蜂雌成蜂个体间的相互干扰效应降低了寄生效能。温湿度对蝇蛹俑小蜂成虫平均寿命的影响研究表明26℃、RH60%~70%为蝇蛹俑小蜂成虫存活的最佳温湿度。

关 键 词:桔小实蝇  蝇蛹俑小蜂  寄生效能  温度  相对湿度

Functional Response of Spalangia endius Walker to Pupae of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) and Influence of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Longevity of Adult S. endius
ZHANG Yu-ping , LI Dun-song , ZHANG Bao-xin , CHEN Ming-yang , ZHONG Juan , SONG Yue. Functional Response of Spalangia endius Walker to Pupae of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) and Influence of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Longevity of Adult S. endius[J]. Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 2010, 26(4): 385-390
Authors:ZHANG Yu-ping    LI Dun-song    ZHANG Bao-xin    CHEN Ming-yang    ZHONG Juan    SONG Yue
Affiliation:(Plant Protection Institute,Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Guangzhou 510640,China)
Abstract:The functional response of Spalangia endius to pupae of Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel) was observed at 26℃,RH 70% and 14L∶10D.Results showed that density of host pupae affected parasitism of S.endius significantly,and the functional response can be expressed as Na=0.4473N0/(1+0.0142N0) by the Holling Ⅱ equation.Below the density of 30 pupae,parasitism increased rapidly with the increase in host density.When host density was higher than 30 pupae,parasitism increase reached asymptote.The equation indicated that each parasitoid could parasite 31.55 pupae of B.dorsalis within 24 h,and the time for parasitizing a host pupa was only 0.76 h.In addition,density of S.endius female adults interfered with their parasitism,which can be expressed as a=0.0621P-0.3062 by the Hassell-Varley equation.Increases in density of S.endius female adults reduced number of host pupae searched.Also,our results revealed that the optimal temperature and relative humidity for survival of adult S.endius were 26 ℃ and RH 60%-70%.
Keywords:Bactrocera dorsalis  Spalangia endius  parasitism  temperature  relative humidity  
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