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引用本文:王晖,邢小军,许自成. 攀西烟区紫色土pH值与土壤养分的相关分析[J]. 中国土壤与肥料, 2007, 0(6): 19-23
作者姓名:王晖  邢小军  许自成
作者单位:1. 河南农业大学农学院,河南,郑州,450002
2. 四川省凉山州烟草研究所,四川,西昌,615000
摘    要:对四川攀西烟区有代表性的30个紫色土样品的pH值、有机质及有效养分含量进行了测定。结果表明,攀西烟区紫色土的pH值在5.13~8.14范围内,有半数左右的土壤偏碱性;有机质、碱解氮、有效锌和有效锰的含量均随pH值的升高而降低,交换性钙的含量随pH值的升高而升高,而pH值与速效磷、速效钾、交换性镁、速效铜、速效硼间的相关性则不显著。烟区紫色土的有机质和碱解氮含量偏低,速效磷、速效钾含量中等,交换性钙、交换性镁含量丰富;部分pH值较高的土壤可能会缺乏铜、锌等微量元素;在不同pH值的土壤上硼营养均严重亏缺,建议生产中增施硼肥。

关 键 词:紫色土  pH值  有效养分  相关分析

Relationship between pH value and available nutrients of purple soil in panxi tobacco-growing areas
WANG Hui,XING Xiao-jun,XU Zi-cheng. Relationship between pH value and available nutrients of purple soil in panxi tobacco-growing areas[J]. Soil and Fertilizer Sciences, 2007, 0(6): 19-23
Authors:WANG Hui  XING Xiao-jun  XU Zi-cheng
Abstract:pH value,organic matter content and available nutrients contents of 30 purple soil samples from Panxi tobacco-growing areas of Sichuan were determined.The results showed that the range of pH value in purple soil was from 5.13 to 8.14 in Panxi tobacco-growing areas,and about half of the soil samples were slightly alkali.With the pH value increasing,the contents of organic matter,hydrolytic N,available Zn and available Mn decreased,the contents of exchangeable Ca increased.But pH value had no significant correlation with available P,available K,exchangeable Mg,available Cu and available B.The purple soil had low content of organic matter and hydrolytic N,medium content of available P and available K,and was rich in exchangeable Ca and exchangeable Mg.Some soil with high pH value could be short of available Cu and available Zn.The content of available B was very low in different pH value of purple soil,and it was suggested to add B for balanced fertilization in tobacco production.
Keywords:purple soil  pH value  available nutriens  correlation analysis
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