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引用本文:唐都,高疆生,徐崇志,杨伟. 阿拉尔垦区不同种植密度下骏枣果实品质的比较[J]. 新疆农业科学, 2012, 49(12): 2208-2212
作者姓名:唐都  高疆生  徐崇志  杨伟
摘    要:
[目的]探究不同栽培密度下骏枣果实品质的差异,为获得高效益、高品质的骏枣果实提供理想的栽培密度信息依据.[方法]以3~5年生骏枣不同种植密度(317、592、1 100株/667 m2)为研究对象,采用葸酮比色法、酸碱中和滴定法、钼蓝比色法和考马斯亮蓝G-250染色法分别测定果实可溶性糖、有机酸、VC、可溶性蛋白质的含量,以总糖/总酸含量计算糖酸比.使用新复极差法分析各个栽培密度下果实品质的差异.[结果]在种植密度为592株/667 m2,果实中的可溶性糖含量、VC含量较高,有机酸含量最低,经新复极差法(SSR)显著性检验分析,与其它二个种植密度(317和1 100株/667 m2)下的果实存在显著差异.[结论]种植密度592株/667 m2为获得高品质骏枣果实的最佳栽培密度.

关 键 词:阿拉尔垦区  骏枣  栽培密度  果实品质

The Comparison of Fruit Quality of Jujube under Different Cultivation Densities in Alar Reclamation Area
TANG Du,GAO Jiang - sheng,XU Chong - zhi,YANG Wei. The Comparison of Fruit Quality of Jujube under Different Cultivation Densities in Alar Reclamation Area[J]. Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences, 2012, 49(12): 2208-2212
Authors:TANG Du  GAO Jiang - sheng  XU Chong - zhi  YANG Wei
Affiliation:1 (1.College of Plant Science,Tarim University,Alar,Xinjiang 843300,China;2.Key Laboratory of Protection and Utilization of Biological Resources in Tarim Basin,Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Alar Xinjiang 843300,China)
[Objective]The project aims to explore the difference of jujube fruit quality under the different culture densities in order to obtain high efficiency and quality to provide the basic information of ideal culture densities.[Method]The 3-5 years old jujube under different culture densities(317,592,1 100 plants/667 m ) were taken as the experimental materials.Anthrone colorimetry was used to determine the soluble sugar, organic acid content was measured with acid - base titration,the Vc content with molybdenum blue method, soluble protein content with Coomassie Brilliant Blue G - 250 staining,and the sugar - acid ratio was measured according to total sugar vs total acid content.In order to analyze the fruit quality differences between culture densities,the SSR was used.[Result]Soluble sugar content and Vc content of the jujube under the 592 plants /667 m~2 are higher than those of the two other culture densities;317 and 1,100 plants/667 m2 and organic acid is the lowest.[Conclusion]The best high quality of fruit culture density was 592 plants /667 m2.
Keywords:Alar reclamation area  jujube  cultivation densities  fruit quality
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