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引用本文:杨致荣,李润植,魏兴华. 利用SSR标记进行粳稻品种的遗传多样性研究[J]. 山西农业大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 28(4)
作者姓名:杨致荣  李润植  魏兴华
作者单位:1. 国家水稻生物学重点实验室,中国水稻研究所,浙江,杭州,310006;山西农业大学,生物工程中心,山西,太谷,030801
2. 山西农业大学,生物工程中心,山西,太谷,030801
3. 国家水稻生物学重点实验室,中国水稻研究所,浙江,杭州,310006
摘    要:水稻育成品种遗传基础的宽窄及品种间遗传距离的大小是品种能否在当地有效推广种植的关键因素。为了扩大水稻杂交育种中亲本的选择,选用分布于水稻基因组的12条染色体上的30对SSR引物,对国内外的18个粳稻品种进行遗传多样性研究。结果显示,选取的30对SSR引物有28对具有多态性,多态性位点百分率为93%。这些多态性引物在18个材料中共扩增出144条多态性条带,平均每对SSR引物可检测到2~8个等位基因,平均5.14/位点。Nei遗传距离及系统聚类和带型分析结果表明,利用SSR标记可将18份材料分为4个类群,同一生态型的稻种基本聚为一类,部分不同生态型的稻种聚在一起,说明这几个品种之间有了一定的基因交流,具有相对较近的亲缘关系。育种亲本的选择不能单单考虑生态型。

关 键 词:粳稻  SSR标记  遗传多样性

Genetic Diversity Analysis of Japonica Rice Varieties Based on SSR Markers
Abstract:The key factor of the rice varieties that whether could be cultivated in native region was the rice varieties with broad genetic basis and far genetic distance.For broadening the choice of parents in cross breeding,30 SSR(simple sequence repeats) primer pairs that disperse on 12 chromosomes in rice were used to study genetic diversity among 18 japonica rice(Oryza sativa L.) varieties.Twenty eight of 30 SSR markers generated polymorphic bands,revealing 93% polymorphism.A total of 144 polymorphic bands were detected among 18 varieties,and each primer pair detected 5.14 alleles on average.Result from cluster analysis shows that all cultivars could be classified into four groups.Almost all materials collected from the same region could be clustered together.Some materials from different regions could also be clustered together indicating that these materials have close genetic relationship with gene communion.The choice of parents in criss breeding could not be only hased on its ecotype.
Keywords:Japonica rice  SSR  Genetic diversity
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