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引用本文:王秋杰,寇长林,王兴仁,张福锁. 砂土磷素动态及磷肥效应研究[J]. 中国农业大学学报, 1995, 0(4): 389-394
作者姓名:王秋杰  寇长林  王兴仁  张福锁
作者单位:河南省农科院土肥所;北京农业大学植物营养系;北京农业大学植物营养系 郑州;
摘    要:砂土供磷特性及磷肥效应的研究结果表明,砂土磷的活度在0.64~1.39之间,土壤磷素活性高低的顺序为轻砂潮土>细砂潮土>粗砂潮土。砂土磷素形态以无机磷为主,有机磷甚少,仅占全磷含量的8.84%,无机磷占91.15%。无机磷形态组成以磷酸钙为主,Ca-P 平均为无机磷总量的86.1%,O-P 占9.6%,Al-P 占3%,Fe-P 占1.3%,各种形态无机磷与速效磷的关系为:y(速效磷)=49.30x_1(Al-P)+21.854 7x_4(Ca-P)-3.420 9。Al-P 和 Ca-P 对砂土速效磷的贡献具有一定的意义。磷酸铁铝和磷酸钙盐均可以作为砂土磷素的给源。砂土全磷和有效磷的消长决定于磷素收支平衡。施入土壤中磷的形态转化主要受土壤本身性质的制约。磷肥的作用主要在作物生育前期,而在中、后期则更多地吸收利用土壤中的磷素。磷肥肥效随土壤供磷水平和速效磷含量的增高而降低,粗、细砂潮土中磷肥对小麦的肥效分别比轻砂潮土高41.1%和17.7%。

关 键 词:砂土  无机磷形态  磷素平衡  磷肥效应  

Characteristics of Phosphorus Availability and Plant Response to Phosphate Fertilizer in Sandy Soil
Wang Qiujie Kou Changlin (Institute of Soils,Fertilizers,Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Zhengzhou Wang Xingren Zhang Fusuo (Dept.of Plant Nutrition,BAU,Beijing. Characteristics of Phosphorus Availability and Plant Response to Phosphate Fertilizer in Sandy Soil[J]. Journal of China Agricultural University, 1995, 0(4): 389-394
Authors:Wang Qiujie Kou Changlin (Institute of Soils  Fertilizers  Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences  Zhengzhou Wang Xingren Zhang Fusuo (Dept.of Plant Nutrition  BAU  Beijing
Affiliation:Wang Qiujie Kou Changlin (Institute of Soils , Fertilizers,Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Zhengzhou 450002)Wang Xingren Zhang Fusuo (Dept.of Plant Nutrition,BAU,Beijing 100094)
Abstract:The characteristics of phosphorus availability and the response of plants to phosphate fer- tilizer were studied in sand soil of Henan Province.The results demonstrated that the P activity varied from 0.64 to 1.39,depending on the texture of sandy soils.The fractionation of P in sandy soil indicated that there was very low amount of organic P in these soils(8.84%),whist the inorganic P accounted for 91.15% of total P.The amounts of Ca-P,O-P,Al-P and Fe-P were 86.1%,9.6%,3.0% and 1.3%, respectively.The resul...
Keywords:sandy soil  fractionation of inorganic P  P balance  plant response  
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