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Heterogeneity in soil hydrological response from different land cover types in southern Spain
Authors:Antonio Jord  n, Lorena Martí  nez-Zavala,Nicol  s Bellinfante
Affiliation:aDpto. de Cristalografia, Mineralogía y Química Agrícola, (Universidad de Sevilla), Spain
This paper reports results from the analysis of the soil hydrological response to simulated rainfall in a cork oak forest in Los Alcornocales Natural Park (SW Spain). Four different soil/vegetation units were selected for the field experiments: [1] cork oak woodland, [2] heathland, [3] grassland, and [4] cork oak/olive tree mixed forest. Rainfall simulations tests were performed on circular plots of 1256.6 cm2 at an intensity of 56.5 mm h− 1 for 30 min.Marked differences in the hydrological behavior of the studied vegetation types were observed after the rainfall simulations. The soils under woodland showed low runoff rates and coefficients. The highest runoff rates were measured on the heath and grass-covered parts of the hillslope. Water repellency of the soil, measured from water drop penetration tests, reduced infiltration (especially under the heathland), and seems to be the cause of fast ponding and runoff generation during the first stages of rainstorms.The mosaic of different patterns of hydrological response to rainfall, such as runoff generation or infiltration, is governed by the spatial distribution of vegetation and its influence on the soil surface.
Keywords:Soil hydrological response   Runoff rate   Simulated rainfall   Water repellency   Southern Spain
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