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引用本文:肖姣娣. 娄底市城市立体绿化现状、问题及对策[J]. 北京农业职业学院学报, 2017, 31(6): 10-15. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-7252.2017.06.003
摘    要:为摸清娄底市立体绿化建设现状,采用了实地现场调查与资料查询相结合的研究法,对娄底市立体绿化的应用类型与植物应用情况开展了详细的研究.结果表明:城市立体绿化应用类型主要有墙面绿化、廊架、棚架、凉亭绿化等7种形式;立体绿化用植物种类较为丰富,有87种,包括乔木类、灌木类、藤本类、草本花卉与草坪地被类四种生活型;但也存在立体绿化总体面积较少、普及率较低、后期养护管理较为粗放等明显不足.基于以上分析,对娄底市城市立体绿化的进一步发展从意识层面、决策层面、监管层面、技术层面四个方面提出了发展对策,以供借鉴与参考.

关 键 词:城市立体绿化  植物种类  娄底市

Loudi City Vertical Greening Features, Problems and Countermeasures
XIAO Jiao-di. Loudi City Vertical Greening Features, Problems and Countermeasures[J]. Journal of Beijing Agricultural Vocation College, 2017, 31(6): 10-15. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-7252.2017.06.003
Authors:XIAO Jiao-di
Affiliation:Loudi Vocational and Technical, Loudi, Hunan, 417000, China
Abstract:In order to investigate loudi city vertical greening features, we adopted the on-site fieldinvestigation and data query method, and made detailed research of the application and plant applicationof loudi city vertical greening. Application results showed that the urban vertical greening types included7 kinds of form, such as metope greening, gallery greening etc..Vertical greening in plant species wasrelatively abundant, there were 87 species, including four life form, such as trees, shrubs, vines, herbs,flowers and grass cover .But overall area was less, vertical greening rate was low, the late maintenancemanagement was relatively extensive. Based on the above analysis, further developing loudi city verticalgreening, we proposed the development countermeasure from consciousness level, the decision-makinglevel, regulation level and technology level, in order to offer experience and reference
Keywords:urban vertical greening   plant species   loudi city
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