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引用本文:杨爱珍 王一鸣 花宝光 刘悦萍 王有年. 桃果实硬核后期中果皮与内果皮中蛋白质组表达的双向电泳分析[J]. 中国农学通报, 2010, 26(14): 59-64
作者姓名:杨爱珍 王一鸣 花宝光 刘悦萍 王有年
作者单位:1. 农业部都市农业(北方)重点实验室,北京,102206;北京农学院生物技术系,北京,102206
2. 农业部都市农业(北方)重点实验室,北京,102206;北京农学院蛋白质组学研究平台,北京,102206
3. 农业部都市农业(北方)重点实验室,北京,102206
摘    要:本研究以“大久保”桃(Prunus persica L.cv.Okubao)硬核后期(盛花后56 d)的果实为试材,固相pH梯度(IPG)双向电泳系统分离蛋白质,所得图谱在中果皮与内果皮中检测到蛋白质点的数量分别为1273±101和1292±115个,其中30个为内果皮相对于中果皮2倍(p<0.05)上调的点,35个为2倍(p<0.05)下调的点。有10个蛋白点仅在中果皮表达,18个蛋白点只在内果皮表达。

关 键 词:蛋白质  双向电泳  蛋白质组    果实

A two-dimensional electrophoresis protocol to study protein discrepancies in mesocarp and putamen during prunus persica fruit development
Yang Aizhen,Wang Yiming,Hua Baoguang,Liu Yueping,Wang Younian. A two-dimensional electrophoresis protocol to study protein discrepancies in mesocarp and putamen during prunus persica fruit development[J]. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2010, 26(14): 59-64
Authors:Yang Aizhen  Wang Yiming  Hua Baoguang  Liu Yueping  Wang Younian
Affiliation:1 Key Laboratory of Urban Agriculture (North) of Ministry of Agriculture Application,Beijing 102206;2 Department of Biotechnology,Beijing University of Agriculture,Beijing 102206;3 Platform of Proteomics,Beijing University of Agriculture,Beijing 102206 )
Abstract:Peach (Prunus persica L.cv.Okubao) fruits around 56 days after anthesis were used in this experiment in order to realize the different development of its mesocarp and endocarp.The total protein was extracted by TCA/ cold acetone precipitation,and isolated by immobilized pH gradient ( IPG ) based on 2-DE routine.After silver staining,the gels were evaluated through operating image analysis software and different protein spots were found in mesocarp and sclerised endocarp.(1273±101) and (1292±115) protein spots were detected respectively from 2-DE patterns of mesocarp and endocarp that pH 5-8 IPG strips were practised in the process of soelectric focusing.65 spots of aggregate matched protein spots was present in both patterns of mesocarp and endocarp,and 30 spots showed 2-fold ( t-test,P0.05 ) up-regulated on quantitative appearing an increase in spot intensity and maximum abundance in sclerised endocarp than mesocarp,in addition 45 protein spots expressed 2-fold ( t-test,P0.05 ) down-regulated.10 spots were just observed in mesocarp ’spattern,whereas 18 spots only found in the pattern of endocarp.The results suggest that the proteome component in mesocarp and sclerised endocarp of peach during fruit development took on some discrepancies,and these diversities may be provide an explanation and foundation data ulteriorly about different direction of metabolic models in mesocarp and endocarp.
Keywords:protein  two-dimensional electrophoresis  proteome  Prunus persica  fruit
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