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引用本文:丁 正,梁 晶,方海兰,郝冠军. 上海城市绿地土壤中石油烃化合物的分布特征[J]. 土壤, 2014, 46(5): 901-907
作者姓名:丁 正  梁 晶  方海兰  郝冠军
摘    要:对上海不同类型绿地土壤的石油烃化合物(TPH)调查表明:上海城市绿地表层土壤虽有不同程度的TPH累积,但整体污染情况并不严重;在不同类型绿地中,以外环道路周边绿地的TPH含量最高,且离道路和土壤表层越近,TPH累积越明显;汽车尾气可能是城市绿地土壤TPH的主要污染源。绿地土壤TPH含量与土壤有机质、Cu、真菌含量之间相关性不显著;但与Zn、Cd、细菌、微生物总量存在极显著相关,与Pb、放线菌含量之间存在显著相关;在低浓度TPH含量下,其可能作为绿地土壤微生物生长所需的碳源和能源,刺激微生物量的增加。上海绿地土壤C6~C9段TPH均低于检出限,以高碳段TPH为主,毒性较小;但交通流量大且以燃烧柴油车为主的外环周边绿地不但TPH总量高且检出低碳段TPH,其TPH潜在污染和毒害应引起重视。

关 键 词:绿地土壤;TPH;微生物

Distribution Characteristics of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) of Urban Greenbelt Soils in Shanghai
DING Zheng,LIANG Jing,FANG Hai-lan,HAO Guan-jun. Distribution Characteristics of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) of Urban Greenbelt Soils in Shanghai[J]. Soils, 2014, 46(5): 901-907
Authors:DING Zheng  LIANG Jing  FANG Hai-lan  HAO Guan-jun
Affiliation:College of Resources and Environment Science, Nanjing Agricultural University
Abstract:Some different types of greenbelt soils were selected to research the petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in Shanghai. The results showed that although there were different levels of TPH accumulation, but the overall pollution was not serious. The TPH contents of greenbelt soils around the outer ring road were highest among all types of greenbelt, the more closer to the road and the soil surface, the more obvious of TPH accumulation. The main source of pollution about TPH in greenbelt soils may be automobile exhaust. The TPH content of greenbelt soil had no significant correlation with the organic matter content, Cu content, fungi quantity, but it had extremely significant correlation with Zn content, Cd content, bacteria quantity and microbial quantity, and it also had significant correlation with Pb content, actinomycetes quantity. The TPH could act as the sources of carbon and energy at low concentrations which will stimulate an increase in microbial quantity. In greenbelt soils from Shanghai, the C6 - C9 segment of TPH was below the detection line, the main part was the high carbon segment with less toxicity. But the greenbelt soils around the outer ring road with heavy traffic and the main vehicles burning diesel, where had highly TPH content and low carbon segment could be detected, should be getting more attention to the potential contamination and poison of TPH.
Keywords:Greenbelt   TPH   Microorganism
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