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Evaluation of Three Strains of Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus Fed Diets Containing Three Concentrations of Protein and Digestible Energy1
Authors:Meng H. Li  Edwin H. Robinson  William R. Wolters
Abstract:Abstract A 3 × 3 factorial experiment was conducted using three strains of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus, USDA102, USDA103, and Mississippi normal (MN), and three concentrations of dietary protein. Three practical diets were formulated to contain 25, 35, or 45% crude protein with digestible energy/protein ratio of 10.0, 8.1, or 6.8 Kcal/g, respectively. Juvenile channel catfish (mean initial weight: 15.1 g/fish) were fed the experimental diets twice daily to approximate satiation for 8 wk. Regardless of dietary protein concentration, the USDA 103 strain consumed more feed, gained more weight, and converted feed more efficiently than other two strains. The MN strain consumed less feed and gained less weight than the other strains. Regardless of the strain of channel catfish, differences in weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio were observed among fish fed diets containing various levels of protein with the 35% protein diet being the best. Neither dietary protein concentration nor strain had significant effect on fillet protein level. Data pooled by fish strain showed that fish of MN strain had lower fillet fat and higher moisture than fish of other two strains. Data pooled by dietary protein showed that fish fed the 45% protein diet had a lower level of fillet fat than fish fed the 35% protein diet, but this did not appear to be a strain effect, rather it was a result of decreased feed consumption. Results from this study clearly demonstrate that per formance of the USDA103 strain of channel catfish was superior to other strains tested. The growth characteristics of the USDA103 strain of channel catfish make the strain a promising candidate for commercialization. However, data are needed on performance of the strain from fingerling to marketable size under conditions similar to those used for the commercial culture of channel catfish prior to their release to the catfish industry.
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