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引用本文:刘天密,王永波,符书源,杨明秋,符一凡,李向民. 豹纹鳃棘鲈室外大型水泥池的人工育苗技术[J]. 海洋渔业, 2012, 34(4)
作者姓名:刘天密  王永波  符书源  杨明秋  符一凡  李向民
摘    要:为了探索利用室外大型水泥池进行豹纹鳃棘鲈(Plectropomus leopardus)人工育苗的技术模式,通过在室外大型水泥池顶部加盖遮光太阳板半封闭顶棚,对育苗水体进行控光、控温和防雨,进行该鱼人工育苗过程中水处理技术、饵料培育技术和育苗方法的研究。2010年3~7月,累计放卵5批次,共培育出全长2.5~3.0 cm的鱼苗21.9×104ind,受精卵平均孵化率达81.4%,育苗平均成活率达5.59%;初孵仔鱼平均全长1.6mm,在早期发育阶段每经历一次饵料转变,都会带来仔稚幼鱼的快速增长;该鱼摄食时间主要集中在白天,随着个体生长发育,饵料出现顺序依次为原生动物、轮虫、桡足类、蒙古裸腹蚤。研究表明,豹纹鳃棘鲈室外大型水泥池人工育苗模式克服了池塘育苗受自然环境影响大和室内水泥池育苗水体小、开口饵料匮乏的缺点,育苗成功率和出苗率比较稳定。

关 键 词:豹纹鳃棘鲈  人工育苗  水泥池  大水体

On the artifical seedling of Plectropomus leopardus in large outdoor cement pools
LIU Tian-mi , WANG Yong-bo , FU Shu-yuan , YANG Ming-qiu , FU Yi-fan , LI Xiang-min. On the artifical seedling of Plectropomus leopardus in large outdoor cement pools[J]. Marine Fisheries, 2012, 34(4)
Authors:LIU Tian-mi    WANG Yong-bo    FU Shu-yuan    YANG Ming-qiu    FU Yi-fan    LI Xiang-min
Abstract:In order to explore the new technique of artificial seedling of Plectropomus leopardus in large outdoor cement pools,sunshading boards were used on the roofs to control the light,temperature and rain of the seedling rearing water,and studies on the water treatment technology,feed organism breeding technology and seedling method in the artificial seedling process were carried out from March to July in 2010.5 batches of fish eggs were put in the large outdoor cement pools,and a total of 21.9×104 ind fish seedlings with length ranging from 2.5 cm to 3.0 cm were bred.The average hatchability of fertile egg and survival rate was 81.4% and 5.59 % respectively.The average length of fish larva was 1.6 mm,and the fish larvae and juvenile experienced rapid growth when the feeding organism was transformed in the early development stage.The fish fed on organisms of protozoa,rotatoria,copepod,and moina mongolica in different development stages in daytime,and almost showed no feeding at night.The artificial seedling model of Plectropomus leopardus in large outdoor cement pools overcame the disadvantage of pond seedling,which was influenced greatly by natural environment,and narrow seedling water area and insufficient initial feeds in indoor cement pools.Meanwhile,it showed a stable success rate and emergence rate of seedling.
Keywords:Plectropomus leopardus  artificial breeding  cement pools  massive water
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