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引用本文:代勋,王磊,汤家鑫,黄良江. 云南大关三江口自然保护区筇竹生态环境及保护策略[J]. 世界竹藤通讯, 2011, 0(4): 20-22
作者姓名:代勋  王磊  汤家鑫  黄良江
作者单位:1. 云南昭通师范高等专科学校化学系,昭通,657000
2. 昭通渔洞水库管理局,云南昭通,657000
3. 大关三江口林场,云南昭通,657000
摘    要:筇竹(Qiongzhuea tumidinoda),属禾本科筇竹属植物,中国西南地区特有珍稀保护濒危竹种,具有较高的经济、生态和观赏价值。研究了云南大关三江口自然保护区筇竹资源的生态环境及其保护措施,为三江口自然保护区筇竹资源的可持续利用及保护提供依据。

关 键 词:三江口自然保护区  筇竹  生态环境  保护

A Study of Eco-environment and Protection Strategies of Qiongzhuea tumidinoda in Sanjiankou Nature Reserve of Daguan, Yunnan
Dai Xun,Wang Lei,Tang Jiaxin,Huang Liangjiang. A Study of Eco-environment and Protection Strategies of Qiongzhuea tumidinoda in Sanjiankou Nature Reserve of Daguan, Yunnan[J]. World Bamboo and Rattan, 2011, 0(4): 20-22
Authors:Dai Xun  Wang Lei  Tang Jiaxin  Huang Liangjiang
Affiliation:Dai Xun1,Wang Lei1,Tang Jiaxin2,Huang Liangjiang3
Abstract:Qiongzhuea tumidinoda belongs to Poaceae, Qiongzhuea Hsueh et Yi, and is also an endangered bamboo species in Southwest China. It has high economic, ecological and ornamental values. Based on the field investigation, the paper studied the eco-environment and protection strategies of Q. tumidinoda in Sanjiankou Natrue Reserve of Daguan, Yunnan Province, which would provide the theory for sustainable use and protection of Q. tumidinoda resources there.
Keywords:Sanjiankou Nature Reserve  Qiongzhuea tumidinoda  eco-environment  protection
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