贵州省黔东南州退耕还林工程生态效益评估 |
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引用本文: | 谢涛,宋林,赖勇,杨永艳. 贵州省黔东南州退耕还林工程生态效益评估[J]. 安徽农业科学, 2016, 0(31). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0517-6611.2016.31.059 |
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作者姓名: | 谢涛 宋林 赖勇 杨永艳 |
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作者单位: | 1. 贵州省林业科学研究院,贵州贵阳,550005;2. 赤水市林业局,贵州赤水,564700 |
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基金项目: | 贵州省退耕还林工程综合效益监测与评价项目(黔林科2006-22);贵州黎平石漠化生态系统定位观测研究站项目(2016-LYPT -DW -088);黔科合院士站项目[(2014)4006]。 |
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摘 要: | 运用《退耕还林工程生态效益监测评估技术标准与管理规范》,按照3种植被恢复类型进行测算,对贵州省黔东南州退耕还林工程六大功能的生态效益进行了科学评估。结果表明,截至2015年,黔东南州退耕还林工程的生态效益总价值量为70.68亿元/年,6项生态服务功能价值量从大到小为固碳释氧、涵养水源、保护生物多样性、保育土壤、净化大气环境、林木积累营养物质。通过评估计算,说明黔东南州退耕还林工程发挥的主要生态功能是固碳释氧和涵养水源,分别占总价值量的32.34%和30.76%,工程取得了很好的生态成果。
关 键 词: | 退耕还`林工程 生态效益 评估 黔东南州 |
Evaluation of Returning Farmland to Forest Ecological Benefit in Qiandongnan State of Guizhou Province |
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Abstract: | On the basis of Technical Standard and Manag ement Specifications of Observation and Evaluation of Returning Farmland to Forest Eco-logical Benefit,the ecological benefit of returning farmland to forest project six function in Qiandongnan State of Guizhou Province was evaluated in accordance with three vegetation recovery types.The total ecological effects value of returning farmland to forest project in Qiandongnan State was 7.068 billion annually in 2015.The values of the ecosystem services were in the following order: carbon fixation and oxygen released,water conservation,biodiversity protection,soil conservation,atmospheric environment purification,nutrient accumulation.Through the evaluation calcu-lation, results truly reflect that the main ecological functions of returning farmland to forest project in Qiandongnan State are carbon fixation and oxygen released,water conservation, respectively 32.34%and 30.76%of the total value,which show that the project has obtained the good eco-logical effects. |
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Keywords: | Returning farmland to forest project Ecological effects Evaluation Qiandongnan State |
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